-30 (Epilogue)-

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3ird person pov:

throughout the years a lot changed, now there was way more connection between the island and the main land thanks to our girl Melanie, her letter was to inform the government that as long as she too got what she wanted, she would work freely for them about documenting and such things about the island.

she had got herself the house renovated with only three worker deaths, she got herself Wi-Fi, new water and electricity systems and much simpler things like kitchen equipment, grain and such for a garden.... all the things needed for a normal life on the island which leads up to now.

Melanie's pov:

I was sitting in one of the building in the harbour, typing away on a recently got computer, filling out a report on stuff that I knew went on around here when I heard a noise and looked up, it's already time?

I stood up, I had simple jeans and a white T-shirt, almost like those I came here in the first time though now I have black sport shoes and a black eye patch.

I picked up my gun and attached it to my belt, I had gotten really good with it throughout the years.

I opened the door and it creaked making the chatter stop as I looked up at the newly arrived sacrifices, at first I was ashamed but no I admit I spent enough time to not be bothered by blood, death, sacrifices and killing so yeah.

"okay so I have around one minute to explain this to you guys" I said looking at my wristwatch before looking at the perplex group of 20. "I'll be fast.... I'm Melanie, only sane person here and work for the government on keeping tabs on this island, this place is filled with insane people that want to kill you so I would advise you to run"


"because in one minute...." I stepped to the side as something hit the ground where I was and rolled to them, it was a human head. "..... my wife will come to chop you to pieces"

there was a silence before everyone started screaming ad running away, I was soon alone.

"you are good at this" I smiled and turned around to see Seth carrying our daughter in one arm...... the axe in the other.

"I told you to put the axe down when you are with her!" I huffed and took the sleeping two-year-old from her, yeah.... turns out I was pregnant.... it wasn't fun I tell you that.... craving pickles and jam at 3am was tiring.... and not to tell you how Seth hijacked a supply boat when the time came....

"sorry" she rubbed the back of her neck as I rolled my eyes and pecked her on the cheek as a fully grown Fearless walked up to us, arriving little under our waist in size.

"hey there big boy" I rubbed his head, he still liked sleeping with Seth and it was funny to see the positions they would end up in when I wake up.

"flea bag stay with her"

"will you once in your life say Fearless?"

"never, I still want to kill this wolf" oh yeah...... she's still on that, never succeeding but still trying.... very hard....

I sighed and looked at me watch.

"times up, have fun, try to not get yourself covered in blood, the shipment of the washing machine still didn't arrive"

"I'll try but I won't make promises I'm not sure to keep, that would make me a liar" she smiled big and ran away, chasing the noisy people, still liking her silence.

I sighed and looked down at Fearless sitting by me on my left side and then at my little sunshine that was hugging the panda plush....

I smiled and looked up at the sky, happy, I loved my life and would change it for nothing....

Nothing at all....

well...... this is the end of another story of mine, I really love it and it might surprise you but I already have half an idea for what a sequel could be like.

I am a broken record at this point since I say this in everyone of my finished books but this is who I am.... thank you.... thanks every last one of you..... those that read all, those that read one chapter, those that forgot they put it in the reading lists, those that favourited, those that only skimmed over it..... it makes my heart swell with so much joy to know I can make something people enjoy, something that people like and something that people can have a good time getting lost in, reading chapter after chapter.

any time a story is finished all these emotions come rushing to me, I'm sure some of you that write understand this, it's like seeing your child go off on it's own on a bike without your help, I know it might be a stupid comparison to some..... but I'm always filled with so much joy, pride and happiness when I'm finished with a book, everything I write is really important to me that's why this is always a hard time..... to write down the last words and to never write another chapter again, to mark it as finished and step away from it, taking the last glance before pressing publish for the last time, sealing the story complete and done, never to change again..... it's moving is it not? for me it is at least..... I hope some of you can understand this.... hehe

as I always say I can never say thank you enough for everyone that spent even a second on my book because even that second helped me go forwards..... my heart is filled with so much love for anyone of my books so the joy is unending when people love them as much as I do.

so..... even if it's only two measly words that don't seem to mean much but somehow bare all my gratitude and love in them...... those two words that I just can't forget and never will.......

thank you

signing off.

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