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Melanie's pov:

we arrived in a room with a book shelf on one side and a dollhouse sized school with small wooden figurines there next to it, each a bit different from the other.

"for this floor it will be a jump in the past, to continue you criminal need to step to the school away from the others"

Seth grumbled, hand that was holding the axe shaking as she did as tell, metallic bars falling from the ceiling.

"what now?!" but she got now answer.

"Seth don't break anything please" I said calmly as she glared back at me.

"fine...." she spat at the ground.

"Melanie?" I looked at Meg holding a piece of paper to me with a series of letters and numbers on it, for example the first line was B1 P90 W29 W47 W17 W29 W3.

"does anyone have an idea what this is? we should hurry since if she snaps and breaks something we'll be stuck" I whispered so Seth, who was marching in circles, didn't hear me.

they all looked at it.

"I think I have an idea I've seen a similar thing in a movie" Stacy said calmly. "book 1" she pulled out the first book on the shelf. "page 9" she flipped to it and we started to get it. "the 29th word is black, hair, girl, class, A..... Seth you need to put the black haired girl figurine in the A class in the school"

Seth's pov:

my mind was all over the place and I could barely hold myself back from lashing out angrily.

I glared at the wooden figure with black hair drawn on it and placed it in the said room.

"place the figurine numbers from 1 to 9 in the basement"

I set my jaw, tightly closed, as I slowly did that, putting them there and hearing small clicking when the figures were placed down.

"put the man figurine in class A too"

I was shaking, anger growing.

"take the black haired girl and set her outside of the school"

my breathing was more laboured; this bitch will be killed when I get out of here!!!

"put the man outside too"

"put the girl and the man in the school shed"

"put the man back in the class"

"put the man back in the shed"

"now put the girl and the man in the basement"

I held the black haired girl's figurine so tight the wood cracked and a split appeared on the figure as I set it down, so this is what you are playing at?!!

"put the girl next to number 1"

"lay number 1 on its back"

"pull 1 from the school and in the shed"

"put the man in the shed"

"throw 1 off the table"

this went on until only the man and the black haired girl remained.

"put the blue clothed man between the two"

"put the man in the wooden police car"

"put the blue man in with him"

"put the girl on the other car that's numbered 2"

"take the wooden earphones on the girl"

I shakily pulled my hand away after doing that.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" I slammed my axe down of the wooden building, sending shards everywhere.

"my my seems your criminal didn't enjoy playing with the dolls~ but you completed the task so I will open the doors~"

I was shaking hard and didn't move for a while as silence filled the room was the two doors on each side of the bars opening, my head was spinning and hurting like hell, I was unable to control what went on in my mind I hate this, I really hate this.

I marched up the stairs on my side to arrive in another room separated by bars again, this is the 5th floor or something, hurts to think.

the girls soon arrived, the was a table in each part with a needle and on table in the middle with one two so that made 3 needles.

"welcome to the room I waited impatiently! you see these three needles? one of them has a dangerous drug in it, one is poison and the last is a cure against the poison, each needles content must be completely injected for the doors to open when you show the empty needles up to the camera"

I wanted the scream and smash the camera, table and everything but I didn't.

I picked up my needle and walked to the other table in the middle and picked that up as Katy brought the one on their side close.

"does any one of you have an idea which is which?" I asked staring at the blue, green and yellow liquids in the needles.

"no, no idea" Melanie whispered, glaring at the needles.

I grabbed the one Katy held and backed away a little with the three in hand.

"we can't have three inject each one, one would die and one would be drugged" I ignored their annoying noisy protest. "we can't do that one injects two because one of the two might not be the cure or the one that injects only one gets the poison while the other one is drugged.... there is only one possible choice" I pushed the air out of the needles as I sprayed a little of the liquid out to see if the smell you help but nope.

"Seth no !"

"shut up!!!" I glared at the now silent people. "I can take this fucking shit!"

I held out my arm, holding the needles in my other hand, stabbing them in my vein and pushing down one by one.

"there! it's done! your stupid needles are empty!" I showed the needles to the camera and threw them at the wall, the glass tubing breaking.

the door opens and I walked in, this didn't lead to stairs but what looked like more hallways.

I tsked as the door closed behind me and I walked down the hallway before grabbing my head in pain and falling on my knees, letting my axe drop, screaming from the top of my lungs.

"oh you criminal just doomed your friends' survival chances~" I heard before putting my hands on the ground on all fours, suddenly sweating hard and shaking as I almost literally growled in pain, eyes closed, my mind slowly over run with the overwhelming and uncontrollable thoughts, memories, urges and noises.

I screamed again, my consciousness and body robbed from me by that shitty drug.

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