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Melanie's pov:

well for once it was a calm day and no one tried to kill us.

Seth had a little depressive episode in the room's corner earlier because she had spent the whole afternoon running after the wolf before she sat down, tired, and the wolf dared to snuggle up with her. I swear she's just a child at times.

right now it was late in the light, the wrist watch had shown 11 pm last time I checked and I was up here for a while, on the roof of the building.

the night sky was clear with the moon letting threw far enough light to see even if it was not enough to really see the different colours, it was still something, the stars were pretty in the black sky.

I could hear distant sounds but still close, all coming from somewhere on the island, the coast too far to hear anything from, I was staring at the towns light, wondering if my family awaited for my return, I'm sure my father at least had the slightest of hopes, knowing people came back alive, now I knew why and how this island worked, only one person decided who would leave and who would not, one person had the government in their grasp, having to power on which supplies brought, which type of sacrifices to be brought, only one of the inhabitant of this place was known to be alive to the public....... our one and only friend, Seth the axed mad woman.

talking about her.... I just couldn't shake her from my mind, her somehow neatly kept black long hair, her crazed dark brown eyes, her way to large smile, her bloody clothes, her shiny axe, her angry glares, her smooth or cracked voice, her....... I just couldn't get her out of my mind, no idea why my face was hot or why my heart was beating fast.... no matter, after one more week we will leave, leaving her here on this island, all of us going back to our old life....

"why are you up here so late?" I jumped, talking about the devil.

Seth raised her eyebrow at me, axe over her shoulder and her other hand in her pocket.

"why are You up here so late?" I asked back.

"couldn't sleep with that idiot mutts snoring"

"don't tell me you kill him!"

"don't be so noisy.... no I fucking didn't, you decided to keep it and told me that the deal extended to him" she grumbled, standing by me at the railing, humming a new song, she had two before, this is a third one.

"you know another song?"

"yeah.... bored and made up a new one"

"can I hear it?" she sighed and nodded.

It shouldn't be this hard just to live your life
Beat and torn apart by this pointless strife
Targeted for something I can't control
'Fraid the what came next was inevitable

Ostracized and weak my head starts to spin
Should have cut them down but I let them win
All of my foundations crumble away
Like an aging rope it all begins to fray
Cue the voices and illusions fighting against twisted fusions
Whispering that resisting the urge is useless
See him in the shadows he is closer God he always follows
Try to shake these visions but I can't he's ruthless

All torn apart my reality distorts
Cannot go home without him I am alone
Hatchet in hand all I have and all I am
End of the line but the darkness tells me I'll be fine

After losing her I just lost control
All the mental anguish had took it's toll
Oh he had it coming I'll tell you that
I'll no longer act as his breathing doormat

So I took the axe and I buried it deep into his back
All those years of fear and dread unleashed this hatred

Panic started to set in and I could hear a distant siren
I set fire to it all and welcomed my downfall

All torn apart my reality distorts
Cannot go home without him I am alone
Hatchet in hand all I have and all I am
End of the line but the darkness tells me I'll be fine

Pulled from the flames by the man of many names
Memories lost pulled away at a great cost
Broken and there's no way to just fix me
All I have left is my name I'm just Toby
Pulled to this place by the man without a face
Memories changed could it be what he arranged
Broken but he found a way to still use me

All I have is my name only Toby

All torn apart my reality distorts
Cannot go home without him I am alone
Hatchet in hand all I have and all I am
End of the line but the darkness tells me I'll be fine


"Tic Toby.... a creepypasta character that kills people with an axe.... more like a hatchet but yeah"


we stayed silent, I always have a feeling what she hums has some kind of hidden meaning only .... knows about.



"do you miss not being on this island? your normal self?"

"no because this is what I see as normal" I looked at her but she was staring of at the shore, for once having a normal neutral look on her face. "I have memories of times I cried at this and feared but I can't understand then, I have these memories and yet I don't feel like that.... like if you had memories of being scared of dog but a few years later you have four... five dogs and you just can't understand what changed, you have the memories where you feared and those where you loved dogs but have no idea how there could have been a time where you were scared but you still know it happened"

"I get it.... sort of gets it but I still do"

so something changed her but for her nothing ever changed in herself, she can't see why she was so different and such.

"you know.... when we were down at the crazy chick's hell circle test thingy.... I had a dream about something I had forgotten about until then.... a new paper article about a teacher having kidnapped children with one survivor that hated noises...." she sighed deeply, staring at the sky. "and that dollhouse school part replayed the event right?"

"yeah..." she quietly said, frowning.

"this is why you lost it a bit and destroyed it"


"you were the bla--" "yeah!" she cut me off with a yelled and glaring at me.

"okay sorry, I knew the answer and still asked"

she nodded and we went back to silence but it was.... nice, not awkward or uncomfortable.

I turned my eyes away from her, deep in thoughts, the ones I had before she showed up as I sat down cross legged.

Seth's pov:

I felt something against my leg and looked down, sighing softly and hanging my axe in my belt as I pulled Melanie up, what are you doing up here if you are tired jeez!

I threw her own my shoulder without it being fast enough to wake her and just brought her to the room the girls stay and I went to lay on a couch in the common room.

I heard a soft yip and clawing at the couch making my eyebrow twitch, as I reached down, searching blindly until I grabbed the sleepy wolf's tail as he was clawing at the couch trying to climb on, why the heck did you wake when I left?!?!

I half dropped half threw him on the couch at my feet, trying to fall asleep as I put an arm behind my head, growling in annoyance as the animal decided to climb across my body and decide to lay right by my freaking head, his own head under my chin.

I was annoyed but tired so I gave up for today, you will have hell tomorrow your mutt....

.The Killer's Isl.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα