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Seth's pov:

"and how did this happen?" Melanie asked, sitting in front of me on a chair as if she was my therapist or something as I sat on the ground. "you literally just went out hunting"

"it was not my choice okay?!"

"okay okay but I want the whole story because it's strange that you brought this back with you"


I was slowly creeping upon the deer, there is a shit tone on this island and not a lot of predatory animals these times for reasons.

I threw my axe at the deer and right in the neck.

the others fled while it stumbled and fell dead.

I walked over and pulled my axe out and grabbed the antler and started dragging it back when something pulled the other way and I glared back to see a wolf pup biting on the deer's leg and trying to pull it in the other way but stopped when my gaze met its, slowly letting go and staring up at me.

I walked over and pulled my axe out and grabbed the antler and started dragging it back when something pulled the other way and I glared back to see a wolf pup biting on the deer's leg and trying to pull it in the other way but stopped when my gaz...

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"leave!!!" yelled at the animal making it yip and run around before sitting back at the place it first was and yip happily.

"shut up you mutt!!!! you noisy animal!!" I threw my axe but it jumped out of the way.

my eye started to twitch as it ran after my weapon and dragged it back to me and dropped it at my feet, waiting for what I wanted.

"leave before I cut you open!!!" I was fully having an argument with an animal that wasn't understanding me, what I mean is I crouched down leaned forwards to be at eye levels with the wolf.

it licked me face.

"you dare to lick me?!?!" it yipped. "STOP TALKING BACK AND FEAR ME!!!" another yip.

I was really angry and picked it up, ready to throw it at the ground with all my strength when it bit my fingers, I yelped in surprise and let go of it, making it fall on my head, shoulder and then the ground.

I was shaking it anger by now, and tried to cut it open vertically, it got out of the way and bit on the hilt of my axe.

I raised my weapon to my eye level with the pup hanging on it, I shook it gently at first but was shaking it like hell at the end and it finally fell to the ground and ran away.

I sighed and marched away with my prey but heard tiny footsteps and turned around to see the wolf but it was looking away from me, I started walking again and the same happened, it was following me and doing as if I wasn't there when I looked at it.

"you want to die?!!" I pointed my axe at it but it just bit the hilt again.

".... that's where even I gave up and just walked home with this animal hanging off my axe" I finished, head resting in my hands, eye twitching as said thing was annoyingly staring at me from Melanie's lap as the other's just cooked the food as well as they could.

"so basically you can't kill him because he's too fast and he won't leave you alone?" I nodded angrily. "you basically have a pet now you like it or not"

"I don't want that noisy bastard!"

"then kill it" she let the pup free and it.... he as she says, run around me as I tried to grab it to twist his neck.... emphasis on tried.... this little flea bag was to fast even for me.

"STOP AND LET ME KILL YOU!!!!" I yelled and it freaking licked my face. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!"

"I'll take him now thanks" Melanie said, picking up the wolf by his scruff, ooooooh mister lets her touch him huh?!!!! and not me?!! I will teach you a lesson mutt!!!!

Melanie's pov:

it was.... entertaining.... to say the least, to watch Seth somehow trying to get her hands on the wolf to end his life but he thought she was playing tag or something like that with him.... even if she was swinging her axe around and yelling like a drunk sailor, destroying furniture by chopping it to pieces as the wolf was just happily yipping.

I sighed at shook my head with a small chuckle as I heard the ruckus they caused.


oh jeez....

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