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Melanie's pov:

we.... didn't see our killer 'friend' after the accident and neither one of us had the courage to bother her now even for food...... we were occupied to keep a horrified Meg from screaming so loud everyone would have found us if Seth didn't kill us first for what we did in her room.

Meg calmed down soon enough as we awkwardly ate the food, I traced a second line on the broom, second day....

next morning, I was the first up, we were all sleeping on the one couch there was in this place.

I got out of the pile without waking anyone and carefully walked up the stairs.

I knocked on her door but it opened on its own, no one inside.

I looked around and saw a window I hadn't notice on the wall right in front of me, open.

there was a long hole in the door, only her axe could have done it.

I carefully picked up the cube and hesitantly finished it, setting it back on the table picking up the music box and closing it as rewound it, setting it where I last saw it.... if I dared to yet again walk in her room I can't just do nothing.

I left the room wondering what we should do but decided we'll wait for her.

Seth's pov:

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" and I slammed my axe in a tree trunk again.

I pulled it out panting before screaming in rage and throwing it at yet another tree.

"I made a fucking deal!" I ripped the axe out and hit the tree again.

"I'm not a fucking liar!!!!" I whacked at the trunk again and the tree cracked, falling over, this was the 7th tree I cut out since I've been here.

I was covered in sweat, old blood and dirt, trying to take out my anger on the trees instead of breaking my deal which would make me a fucking liar!

"dammit!!!!" I hit the ground, as it was much softer than the wood, my axe went deep inside of it.

I pulled it out and cleaned it before walking away, I need a life prey, I need a prey.

I just walked in one direction going towards the places I knew by heart and where prey tend to try to hide.

I arrived at an old mini city of 8 wooden cabins, only one's door was closed~

I peeked in a window and smirked, a girl and boy chatting.

I drew my arm up and punched the window with enough force to break it and grabbed the girl's neck with a huge smile.

"found you~" I said as they screamed and I pulled her back and slammed her neck/upper back in the shards of glass still in the frame, warm blood immediately spilling.

the boy tried to pull her back and threw a pillow out at me making me let go as dust of the pillow got in my eyes.

"let's run!"

I groaned angrily as I wiped my face of but smiled as I started walking, following the blood trail, knowing the girl won't last long with such injuries and will slow him down.

"no use running! I'll give you a fast death if you stop~!"

but got no answer.

"come on Elise! we need to continue!"

"I-I can't, I feel cold.... I'm tired.... I will take up the offer while you run" I smirked at the voices getting closer.

"found you again~" I smirked and spin my axe in my hand.

"run Adam!"

"I won't leave you" he was holding a really old pathetic simple steel axe that was rustier then my granny's hip implant by now, having been buried for so long.

"you call that a weapon?" I swung mine and cut the handle of the axe in two, the pitiably kept axe head falling with a thud on the ground. "boy this is a weapon hahahaha~!" I swung it again, taking his hands with it, both making two other small thuds on the ground as he screamed, a slashed at his throat, the axe staying in the throat because I didn't want to care to many body parts right now.

"so noisy, so damn noisy" I pulled it out as he choked on his own blood, screaming as well as he still could.

I ignored his annoying sounds and walked to the girl who was now leading her back against a tree even if it must hurt with tears down her face.

"you aren't going to scream~?" I asked, crouching down to her level.

"I-I already know I can't survive this, I've lost to much blood, I'm c-cold and really tired...... would you please.... h-have the heart of letting me.... die alone instead of killing me? please.... you said if we stopped you'd make it painless.... my body is numb; I feel tired.... please take his now dead body if you wish.... but let me pass away alone in peace"

I just looked at her in the eyes and sighed, standing up, going over to stuff the hands in my pockets and grabbing his leg.

"I promise if you stopped I'd make your end painless.... I hate liars" I turned away and started walking away.

"t-thank you" I didn't answer as I continued to drag the body to the harbour.

I sighed deeply when I got the male where he would now be, the body pile before walking back for the now dead girl's body...... she was.... smiling....

this time I hooked my axe on my belt and carried her in princess carry, I treat those that listened to me and are sincere a bit differently as you can see.... it's because they remind me of my mother.... she's the only person I liked killing AND despised hurting all at the same time, these types of good hearted people always give me the same feeling and I hate it.... I hate it....

I hate it because despite that fact that my mother was yelling in pain she didn't try to stop me or stop smiling, telling me she loved me even if I was broken...... she didn't even hate me for taking her life for being noisy....

I laid her carefully on the ground next to the bodies and looked up at the sky with fists tight and a few tear slipping over, maximum 5 only but still!

"GOD DAMMIT ALL TO HELL!!!!!!" I hate this, I hate this kind of people, that's why I choose young sacrifices because they don't tend to act like her!

I punched the concrete wall, taking the skin of all my knuckles on my left hand, the right hand on my face to wipe these things called tears of.... I HATE THIS!!!!! I HATE IT I HATE IT IHATEITIHATEITIHATEITIHATEIT!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!

I slowly calmed down as if nothing happened from the few previous minutes and walked away towards my home and my preys, not feeling the want to kill them anymore....

Damn it all.....

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