Transparent -Kazuichi x Fem! Reader (ANGST)

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this goes against everything in his past but i don't give a fuck.
i got this idea from a writing prompts book so if anyone knows who made it then please comment it bois.
also i've stopped the second person bullshit because it makes me want to die.

The only thing I could see was a faint outline of random objects. They were just lifeless blobs in my eyes.  Muffled voices filled the room, but I couldn't make out a single syllable. It was almost like an alien language.
There was only one thing I could properly distinguish. A little boy with chubby, blushed cheeks and messy locks of ebony hair. Small, thick rimmed glasses that were stuck together with masking tape sat lopsided just above his nose that added more cuteness than ever.
And he was babbling away to me. His pre-pubescent voice said nothing in particular, it was the most crystal clear thing in my mind.
"Dad! I'm telling you! She's a real girl!" His whiny little voice demanded, turning to the fatherly figure in the room with a similar appearance to his son's, "She'll be my best friend forever!"
The comment made me smile. The kind you use when your heart feels warm and fuzzy. This was a never ending friendship.
I watched him grow and learn. The crawling, babbling baby evolved into a slightly clueless toddler, and our friendship grew even stronger.
"So, what are you calling her?" His mother's voice was still muffled and unrecognisable mostly, but words could be made out.
He thought for a brief moment of utter stillness and silence, until he broke the anticipation with a few words, "What about [F/N]? Souda [F/N]!"
Cute name.
His mother looked at him in utter dismay, and somewhat worry, but she forced a smile and said, "What a lovely name. You are very imaginative."
I thought about the name. Only a real girl would be worthy of such a title. Looking over to his mother, sat one leg over the other, I noticed she was tapping away at the keyboard on her phone. Before I could react, the boy had my arm and yanked me away from the living room, "Come on, [F/N], let's play a game!"

this is really shit so far oml don't roast me please i'm fragile

The night hit me like a ton of bricks. It had been an adrenaline-filled day with games and tea parties, and it was suddenly over. However the passing of time could never separate me and my new friend.
Air thick with warmth and humidity, I stared at the sleeping boy. His glasses then lay next to the lamp on his dresser, his hair all in his eyes. He calmly slept, undisturbed and peaceful. I wanted to wake him so bad, to spend all night blabbering and nattering about nothing in particular, to go on an adventure across Everest or the Grand Canyon. We could go see the Mona Lisa or travel in time to see old 70s bands in concert. But he was too peaceful, too still and perfect. It would only hurt me with guilt to break the moment.
I grumbled and turned over, observing his room thoroughly for the first time. The royal blue walls were illuminated with glow-in-the-dark stars, lazily glued onto the ceiling. Posters of his favourite action heroes hung proudly like sacred scrolls, and a few of his awards from school rested on an oak table by the window.
"[F/N]?" A gentle voice called from behind me. I immediately knew who it was.
I snapped my head around hastily, to see his now open eyes sparkling in the moonlight. His glasses were now slid on, slightly lopsided and he wore the goofiest smile ever. I giggled.
"Souda, it's late! Won't your mommy get angry?"
He winked strangely, obviously he hadn't developed that skill so early on in life, turning on the bedside lamp. The room filled with an artificial amber glow.
"You wanna go on an adventure?"

Time passed like a powerful steam train, and before I knew it, he'd turned 10.
I didn't know my own birthday, I wasn't really aware of time in general, but this date was something I would never forget.
"Happy Birthday, son!" His father cheered triumphantly, as if it was his own birthday, "The big 1-0, you're growing bigger by the minute!"
I couldn't help but think his statement was true, and with every second he grew, he noticed me less and less. He wanted to play football with his friends, or go on the computer. Not that I minded the occasional alone time, but it was like I didn't even exist.
Looking down at my hands, I sighed. My nails were translucent like coloured plastic, fading into my arms. It was almost like someone had erased half of my limbs.
Souda tore open the largest box in the pile, covered in metallic blue paper that I'd seen a few years ago. Through the giant rip I could see a red box.
"Thanks Dad! Thanks Mom!"
A bike. Of course, much more exciting than climbing a mountain or flying through trees. I shook my head violently and smiled, trying to forget the situation I was in.
He obviously still loves me. It's his special day. Leave him be, he'll talk to you after cake.
Soon, the pile of boxes grew smaller, turning into a mountain of paper and instructions for some toy.
Trash, essentially. Should I join the pile?
"So then, Souda," His mother said with a warm smile, "How's [F/N]? I haven't heard from her in a while."
I froze suddenly, shocked by the sudden mention of my name. Parents remember everything, and this wasn't an exception.
Souda tilted his head in confusion, staring blankly at the cream coloured walls, "Oh, her? Shut up, mom. That never happened."
Reality whacked me in the face, hurting my heart like I'd been stabbed.
That never happened.
I stared back down at the floor. My legs had completely disappeared, until I was a floating torso.
"Oh wow," His dad laughed casually, brushing a hand through his slick hair, a similar colour to his son's, "The end of an era, eh?"
"You loved her so dearly, Kazuichi," His mother's voice echoed through my mind like I was stood in a cave. She was right, he did love me. We were inseparable, joined at the hip as if we were chained.
My body was slowly fading away, becoming more and more transparent and limp. He was forgetting me, even after his mother mentioning me only a few moments before. A relationship of so many years.
And it was coming to an abrupt end.

AH FRICK. i'm so sorry this is so shit, but i got kinda sick of writing it and i wanna move onto something else.
really tho i'm surprised i'm STILL getting notifs for this book. like i hardly update lmao

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