Glass Wall- Chihiro x Reader [SONG]

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Requested by LoveKittenCats !
I hope this goes well, I've never tried to write about Chihiro

(unless you count that old book I made, but we don't talk about that.)
I hope you don't mind the songfiction aspect! 😊
Please enjoy, I need to feed my family.

Can you see me?
You were the thing Chihiro Fujisaki had prioritised for the past two months. He had apologised to Alter Ego, quit fixing bugs and focused on creating something...or someone new.
That was you.
You'd fallen in love with the attention Chihiro gave you, almost every second of the day. However, he was something you desired to be. On the other side of a laptop screen. Perhaps he could learn to love a measly program?

The pixels on your screen?

"M-master!" You giggled as Chihiro clicked around on the screen, "th-that tickles!"
Chihiro laughed, and ceased teasing you mercilessly.
"I'm so p-proud of y-you, Y/N," he gushed, tears in his eyes, "y-you've been such an obedient p-program!"
"Thank you, master!" You smiled, nodding your floating head.

My voice that can reach you.

Chihiro sighed, happily, and rose from his seat to prepare dinner for one.
You grumbled as he left. As you were the young boy's priority, Alter Ego was not open to talk to you, like he was for a couple of weeks before-hand. If you had hands, you press one on the screen, hoping the almost juvenile programmer would return the gesture.
Another sigh escaped your lips.

The one thing that breaks through.

You felt like your only purpose was to clean the computers hard-drive, by simply wiping the research history at the end of the day, and you were useless when the computer shut down.
As you were.
You didn't understand why the Super-High-School-Level-Programmer would create such a boring creation over such a long period of time. You didn't see the point.
You quit being pessimistic, and looked on the brighter side. At least you did something.

The words that you type,
They keep me warm at night.

Chihiro plonked his heavy body back down on the desk chair, a bowl of ramen placed beside the mouse. His sweet, delicate fingers sprinted across the keyboard, obviously typing something. His index hit 'enter'.
'You're doing so well, [Y/N]! Keep up the good work!'
A smile emerged from your face, light appearing in the form of tears.
"Th-thank you so much, master! I really appreciate that!"
Chihiro giggled and took a bite out of his ramen. He looked quite adorable, chewing away happily.

But why can't I feel you?
To be there, just us two.
If I could break through...
Just for a day...

"Master! I have a dream you know!" You smiled widely, eyes sparkling.
Chihiro blushed.
"Really? That's great! What might it be?"

You remained silent for a bit, then let your smile grow even wider.
"I want to be a 3D simulation, master!" You said with bold amounts of confidence " I want to be like you! And AlterEgo!"
He stopped all of a sudden, like pressing pause on a video. He looked shocked and flustered.

Less than two inches from you, yet so far away
But this glass wall between us won't keep us apart...
I will sing out my heart.
Just for you, my love.

"Of course!" Chihiro laughed again and got back to work, "I'll see what I can do..."

as a computer science student i am personally offended with the lack of internal hardware knowledge

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