Hajime Hinata x Shy! Stressted! Reader. [CRINGE]

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Dedicated to the lovely SandwichKitten



I carried my books to the next class, occasionally tripping over my undone laces. I would never fall, though. At least, not for now. Thoughts ran through my head like trains. I had homework to do before 3rd Period, I had to finish my book before 2nd Period and complete a collage before 4th Period. I had only just started Grade 10 and my teachers always piled me with homework. Suddenly, a random jock found my undone laces and laughed. I just hid behind my hair and carried on walking. I'm a shy person, so I don't often react. After a while, I was a few meters away from class, and a guy shoved me, making me fall right over on my face. Pain shot through my head, as blood dribbled from my nose. The hall was screaming with laugher as I tried to pull myself up, but I slipped back on my front again. My books were scattered around me like ants, and my headband/hat had fallen off. No one bothered to help, so I lay there in a heap of stress and embarrassment. I felt everything go blurry again.
"Y/N!" I heard a voice call.
"Y/N! Y/N! What happened? Are you okay?" It came again.

The recognition came to me within an instant. It was my very, very best friend from years ago, Hajime Hinata.  He'd been by my side since Kindergarten years and I really had deep feelings for him. He came to observe me, helping me up from the ground. My sweater/shirt/t shirt was stained red but I was given a waistcoat by the scruffy ahoge boy. He ignored the noise behind him and gripped my hand tight.
"Don't worry 'bout the stain. Just button it up. Uhm...sorry it's a bit large." Hinata blushed, scratching the back of his neck. He had the same class as me.
"I-if you r-really want it, you can have it b-back." I stammered shyly and I slipped it off. He helped my pick up all my books that'd gone everywhere and lead me into class.

-Time Skip Because Me-

I was sat in the cottage (cheese xD okai carry on) of Hajime Hinata, curled up in a ball on his bed. He lay back in a chair next to me. He began looking all around for..something, finding a huge jar of roses. I didn't know where they'd come from, but they were extremely pretty. He grabbed one of the silky flowers and threw it into my hands.
"I like you...as my crush, Y/N." He winked, standing up to walk me home.
"I think you should be getting home now, your parents will be worried by now." He lead me down the road, across the streets down to my house. He began his farewells, but I cut him off.
"P-please! Don't leave m-me now!" I flung my arms around him, and he hugged back. "I-I l-love you!" The words came out without thought, sort of blurted.
"Same." Hajime responded with a sweet kiss on my lips. "Now, I think you should really get inside before the weather get's bad."

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