Tutor- Kizakura Koichi x Adult! Reader.

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Uuu I felt kind awkward doing normal reader, so I did Adult Reader, if that's okay! :D
You sat at your desk, marking papers with your red pen in hand. You sighed, marking almost every single question wrong on every single test. You'd let Koichi Kizakura take over the role of the 77th classes' teacher whilst you filled in tons of paperwork. He knew all the academics, in fact, he seemed to be good at them.

Problem 1- he was almost always nursing a hangover.

You'd remembered when
Mahiru Koizumi complained that Kizakura vomited into the class' wastepaper bin daily, and had to be accompanied to the nurse's office.

Problem 2- he didn't know how to teach half of the Japanese curriculum.

He thought you put two Ys together in algebra (like y + y = yy), or 3/4 was equivalent to 0.15.
He wasn't dumb, just drunk.
His voice was always slurred and parched, like he'd downed a bottle of gin at 3AM. He often belched, commonly disgustingly or impolitely.

You finished marking Peko's paper. Another sigh escaped your lips as you stared at the sea of red scores.
Pekoyama's wasn't bad compared to some others, like Nanami scoring 9, or Saionji scoring 5, but still beyond a disgrace. Everyone's was.
You put the cap back on your red pen, placing it back into the coil rings of your notebook. You rose from your seat, grabbing your handbag to call into Kizakura's classroom.
He now officially taught the 78th Class, you imagined how dumb-brained they were.
You'd tutor them next term, leaving your original class with Chisa.
You banged on the hard, wooden door, hurting your knuckles whilst doing so.
"Yeah, come in." A broken, tired voice called. You knew it well, sliding the door open to reveal an entrance. The drunken faculty member was relaxed in a student's desk.

You were pretty sure that one belonged to Aoi Asahina.

"Heyyy, Miss [L/N]!" He slurred, taking a long swig from his hip-flask.
You shook your head.

"Mr. Kizakura, I must inform that staff members, and students, are banned from alcohol on school premises!" You grabbed his wrist firmly. He smirked.
"[Y/N], it's just between you and me, kay?"
You raised your left eyebrow, releasing his wrist from your grip. His fedora lopsided as he stumbled up from his seat. You rolled your eyes.
"Uhm, Mr Kizakura...sir, I have been highly concerned with the student's results recently. I am afraid I shall have to tutor you," you stared at the hip flask on the desk.

The pen you'd had in your pocket for days slowly ran out of ink as Koichi attempted math whilst drunk.
He kept glancing at you, with what seemed like a permanent sexy smirk plastered on his face. You tutted, chewing the pen vigorously.
"You see, Mr Kizakura-"
"Call me Koi..." He gave you a supportive, yet unnecessary rub on your shoulder.
You sighed for the third time.
"...Koi, that there is a simpler way to write y + y."
He seemed more shocked than he should've been.
"Really? How?" He laughed, energised from the alcoholic beverages.
" You know, it can just be written as 2y." (wow what a smart year 7 i was, or seventh grader if you're a murican unlike me🤠🤠)
You paused after you had said this, trying to think of something smart.
"Let's say, y is equivalent to 3. You need to double three."
Koichi took a slurp from his hip flask.
"It's seven." He said, the last drop of alcohol slipping down his throat.
A wave of anger washed over you, as you snatched the flask from his grip, slapping him in the process.
"Mr- I mean Koi, you're drunk. Please try to understand these terms correctly. The answer is obviously six."
He printed a sloppy '6' next to the equation he'd written earlier.
He'd been learning well. (john cena voice: are you sure about that?)
You took out a Level 1 algebra sheet, by far the simplest, copied onto a sugary pink sheet of paper. (you mean a pink piece of sugar paper? dumbass y7 got owned smh)
"Try these out." You grinned.
And so he did.
In complete silence, he worked out the equations. Question one, two, three four.
You turned away from the man, staring at the clock. You chewed on your pen again. It tasted bland, and of a rotten plastic. It was simply a habit you'd had since a young age.
Time passed, and the room was deadly silent. You turned back to Koichi.
"Hey, have you-"
And to your surprise, he was sleeping. Probably from the overdose on alcohol. His drunken, quiet snores were almost sweet, as a chunk of his dirty blonde hair fell over his eyes.
You felt guilt as you shook him awake, the male opening his ocean blue eyes.
"Hey, [Y/N]."
A smile spread across your face.
"Mind if I ask something, Miss [Y/N]?" He lightly grabbed your hand.
"Will we ever need algebra in real-"
You silenced him with your finger on his lips.
"Shut up, you. You have a class to teach tomorrow!"


"Alright, you lazy little sh*ts!" Kizakura yelled, drunkenly as he caught the classes attention.
You slapped your face into your hand.
"Y'all have been failing, so get your butts together!" He slammed his fist on the main desk.
You slapped your face into your hand.
"Mr. Kizakura?" Chiaki peeked up from her games.
"Jeez! Get your act together!" Mahiru snapped.
Fuyuhiko whispered something to Peko, as she responded with a nod.
Kizakura threw out blank test papers, "your last scores were low as sh*t." He groaned, whilst you could almost hear the alcohol bubbling in his throat.
"So do it again!"
Mikan burst into tears, whilst Nagito laughed.
You slapped your face into your hand.
"You're the worst, short one." Koichi pointed straight at Saionji.
"Hey! I can't be that bad!"
You slapped your face into your hand.
"I need some elbow grease."

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