Investigation- Byakuya Togami x Fem! Reader.

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mhmmm needed to get something posted, so here ya go. :3
also looks like you guys enjoyed my last crackfic, huuuuh? 😏
togams may be vv ooc in dis lmao bare with me
oh and I also got rid of the whole Junko-Mukuro death thing, becussss idk


Sayaka Maizono was dead. That was inevitable. Stabbed in the abdomen.
Despite Monokuma's rules stating to murder, everyone was shocked at the event.

Who really fell for Monokuma's motives?

That damn bear. He killed her. He wanted to start the killing, everyone was sure.
But he denied every word of it.
"Hate to break it to ya..." the black and white bear looked at Naegi, who was trembling with anger, "but the real perpetrator is one of you whinin' juveniles!"
Everyone looked at him, unsure and frightened. All weary and deluded, apart from the esteemed Byakuya Togami.
Aside to his rudeness and arrogant attitude, he seemed to be amused at the thought of a killing life, despite what he had been told.

"It's a game, (Y/N)." He would tell you, in a low whisper, "the prize is your life."

"Y-you're a freak." You'd whimper back, tears flowing from your eyes.

He wouldn't comfort you, or show you any signs of affection.
"Oh, don't be so pathetic." His eyes pierced yours, as his lips grew closer to your ear, "I must say, (Y/N), I'm looking forward to playing..."
That was the last he'd said to you, since the bear had shown you the DVDs.
He simply stood, and stared, with that cold glare of his. He seemed to want to open his mouth, yet was rudely interrupted by Monokuma.

"Right! Get yo butts investiagin'! You have half 'n hour ta gather up evidence!" He chimed, followed by his annoying, yet disturbing laugh.
And with that, he was gone.
"Right!" Ishimaru raised his hand, "I demand that we spilt off into groups to increase efficiency and improve our teamwork skills!" His voice was sharp, like the blade of a knife.
"Yeah, I agree with teacher's pet over there!" Asahina's eyes lit up.
Before you could offer anything to the conversation, someone grabbed you by the arm, and lead you away.
"Togami!" Naegi yelled, and was responded with silence.

It took you a while to realise that Byakuya Togami was dragging you away by the arm.
He let you go, and pressed you up against the wall.
(woaaaaaaa careful there buddy.)
"T-Togami, I know what this is...y-you don't have to-"

"Don't worry, I'm not planning anything obscene, especially not with you." He assured you, his face merely inches from yours.
That icy stare gnawed at your skin.
(A/n craaaawliiiiinnggggg in my-)
"I want to investigate with you, (Y/N)."
He wasn't the type to find an  ally (i can't fucking spell fuck off) immediately. He'd walked off when everyone tried to find an escape.
"Are you...sure about all this?" You turned your head, blushing.
"Oh please," he smirked, "you annoy me just as much as the others...but..."
He placed a hand on your hip, almost soothingly, "I can't say you're not interesting. Modest, if I must say, but interesting."

This fact shocked you. It seemed as if someone like Byakuya wasn't amused by the most catastrophic fault in someone's tone, but he found you, (Y/N) (L/N), interesting.
Before you could even say yes, he'd grabbed your arm again, and dragged you to the crime scene.
You found yourself in Makoto Naegi's shower, investigating a dead body.
His eyes flashed to an awkwardly placed slash of blood, crawling over the walls.
"Ah. Of course, I should've knows."
Naegi stared at you, crying, yet still not knowing what the tall male was talking about.
You returned the expression.

"Byakuya, w-what're you getting at?" The shorter male declared, crouching down next to him.

He didn't answer, merely sighed, shaking his head in disapproval. He didn't like the naive.
Truth be told, you didn't have much else to say. A string of numbers was all you could make out.
1   1   0   3  7

"I-I don't get it." You murmured, scared of Byakuya's coldness. His eyes turning to you again, freaking your guts out of your body.
"You can't see it? Very well then."
The announcement signal chimed again, it's annoying clamour rattling your eardrums.
"I'm gettin' bored here y'all..." a ghastly voice cackled, "let's get this show on the road! Please escort yourself to the big red door, I'm sure ya won't miss it! Have fun!"

You sighed, relieved that the investigation was over, yet dreading the approaching trial.
It was life or death.
Byakuya couldn't resist a smirk, as he gently pressed his lips onto yours, pulling away within an instant.
"I'll leave you to figure it out by yourself..." he whispered in your ear, "the rest is up to you.
I'm not good at writing kiss scenes, okay?
Also, whenever I type investigation, I accidentally typed incest.
I don't know whether my keyboard hates me or the internet is telling me something...

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