Baby Gangster- Fuyuhiko x Reader.

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FNaF_Poptart 's belated request.
Very sorry for the delay...-_-
Also, Fuyuhiko isn't the strongest point for me, so this will take longer.

"STOP CALLING ME BABY GANGSTER!" His shrill voice screamed down the hallway.
I blew a raspberry and ran away as quickly as possible. I wasn't in the mood to get beaten up by a kid god knows how many inches shorter than me.
Calling him nicknames was his weak spot. It gave pleasure running through my veins. His berry-red face, gritted teeth and baby fists. Everything about him was plain adorable, and I wouldn't let myself lose it. He was gradually getting closer to my person, so I stuck my tongue out and teased him a little more.
"Baby face!"
I sped off once again. We'd probably end up chasing each other right round the island. I heard a strained growl.
I hid beside Souda's cottage and chuckled quietly to myself. The whole thing made my sides hurt.
Haha, he lost me.
I began to wonder if he was desperately worried.
"Ooooooooh baaaaaby faaaaace!" I taunted him, speeding off to hide behind Komaeda's cottage.
"Y/N!" I felt him charge after me at high speed.
I began to feel afraid, running inside of my own cottage to hibernate.
What the hell have I done?
I'm such a stupid girl.
I crawled beneath my bed, shivering in my knees. I heard him cursing outside.
I felt like crying quietly, but perhaps I should face the baby gangster.
I threw on a hoodie, pulling the hood over my head. Maybe he would mistake me for...Chiaki?
No, her hoodie is too distinct.
I slowly opened the door, closing it at a slower speed.
"Y/N!" Fuyuhiko strangely strolled up to me, his forehead coming to about my nose.
Why the hell isn't he attacking me?
Why isn't he swearing?

"I'm...sorry, Kuzuryuu-Kun," I sighed, throwing down my hood.
"I'd be a great joke. It turned out to be..insulting."
The baby face stared up at me. I could sense his feeling of I want to be taller than you but I never will be because I'm so f**king short face.
I had to admit his adorableness. I'd seen him smile, but I would always treat it like a secret. I saw his face go red as the past took me to present.
A few more moments of silence, perhaps?
It was followed guessed it, Audience, silence.
" you..." He concluded
"There! I said it, okay?"

"Oh! So now the baby gangster's trying to flirt with me?" I teased, trying to peck him on the forehead.

"F**k you!"


So they're probs gonna get married and have ten kids lel.
Short ones xD okay I'm being weird now.
Sorry if it sucks...-_-

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