Chapter 33

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Remember this is between Natsu's transformation and Sting's passing out and a bit of what happens after.


(Makarov POV)

I watch as that pink haired idiot that I had known since he had came to the guild, change into a beast. I had always known to be careful when I approached him when his eyes were green after seeing how vicious he was when I was attacked on the way to guild master meeting when he followed me. He was in the guild for about a year when I first saw those eyes.


We were on the road to the town of Clover after the train had broke down, when some bandits started to come out of the woods. Natsu had attacked one of the bandits only to get punched by the bandits and was being held down by them, I was doing to step in and stop them, but before I could one of the bandits had taken Natsu's scarf and was dancing around with it.

"Well, well, what a pretty scarf I wonder how much this would sell for," the bandit had said. 

"No, you can't have it that is mine, Igneel gave it to me," the boy told him his hair covering his eyes.

"So it is special to you, well then how would you react if I gave it a little tear," the bandit said pulling at the scarf trying to rip it.

"GRRRRRR," Natsu growled at  the bandit, and he lifted up his head and I saw his eyes weren't black anymore, they were green, bright green. Natsu suddenly tossed the bandits off of him and started to burn them, after a few minutes of this the bandits were all on the ground, I walked over to the boy to try and calm him but the moment I got near him he attacked me. When he saw who he was attacking his eyes' pupils had grew to cover the green irises again making his eyes black once again.

I watch as scales grow on his arms and legs, I saw him gain a clawed hand after that unison ray, I saw him remain unharmed throughout all of the Twin Dragon's but there was something different from the other times I had saw him fight when his green eyes had appeared. Usually after his green eyes had appeared he had fought like a wild animal, filled with rage, but in this fight he seem a bit sedated. He was calm when he was fighting he didn't attack randomly he was calm. He defeated the two slayers with ease as if he was fighting Happy. 

'I knew the boy was strong but this is unbelievable,' I thought as he had come to a stop and had won the match.

(Erza POV)

I remember those eyes, I had seen them once, when I was in the Tower of Heaven with Jellal while he was still being controlled by Ultear.  Natsu was fighting like a monster, breaking the ethernano filled lacrimas like they were brittle rock. He attack Jellal over and over breaking through the lacrima crystals on the floor and through the floor. I remembered the look that I saw on Natsu's face when he was in that fight, it was pure rage. That was how Natsu looked when he had started his transformation then Lucy had growled something and he had calmed down a little.

"Yes ma'am," was what I heard Natsu say, I shocked because the only time I hear him say that  is when I am threatening him  or it is when Lucy is threatening, but he would look scared at those times. This time he had the calm but pissed look on his face when I saw him fighting the two dragon slayers. The fight oddly enough had reminded me when I saw Lucy fighting earlier today. It made me think that there was something going on and it involved those two, Lucy growled again and Natsu had stopped and the had on the match.

(Gray POV)

Flamebrain looked like he did the when Lucy was getting attacked by Minerva, but more pissed until I heard Lucy growl and Flamebrain had calmed down a bit and he started to fight Sting and Rouge again. Flamebrain wasn't even hurt in the slightest, it reminded me when we were fighting Hades and Acnologia. He was powerful, but he was also pissed, even with all the fights that he and I  have fought we have never really pissed each other off, we only irritate each other. I had made a vow this day after seeing his fight against the two dragon slayers, that I would never piss Natsu off.

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