Chapter 9

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(Levy POV)

Wait did Master Mavis say heart of the apocalypse, where have I heard that name before. I know that I have seen that somewhere. Master Mavis looked troubled when she said that name, almost like she didn't what to say it. It has to do with Lucy I just know it.

After the Master started to question Master Mavis she just disappeared in a bunch of sparkles, leaving us without an answer. After her departure, we relaxed a bit, but we didn't let our guards down around Lucy, we didn't know whose side she was on. Before we left the island she ran up to Guildarts, and apologized for her father's behavior.


"Mr. Guildarts, there is something I need to tell you," Lucy said to Guildarts, we all turned around to face her, only to see her bowing her head apologetically. "I am really sorry for what Father did to you, he and I both agree that he went to far when he fought you before, I scolded him for what he did, and I am happy that you are still alive to see your daughter," she said to Guildarts.

"It is alright," Guildarts said to the girl trying to stop her bowing. I laugh internally because she was a really nice girl if you don't pay attention to her parentage.

Flashback End

After she apologized to the rest of us, she went back behind Natsu, she seems to always be behind him, I guess she is comfortable around him. We all walked up to the boat to set sail to Fairy Tail, well all of us except Natsu, he was dragged by Erza.

(A time skip that is full with Natsu puking on the boat)

After Erza, Mira, and Master went to handle things with Twilight Ogre, I headed to the library to find out more about the Hearts of the Apocalypse thing that the First Master was talking about before she turn into glitter.

"So much debt," I muttered to myself thinking about my rent at Fairy Hills, I looked to my side and I saw Gajeel.

"What are you doing here, Gajeel," I asked him.

"Following you, Shrimp," he answered, I got annoyed at the nickname but I let it slid, this one time.

(Time skip again because I am out of ideas to add to the trip)

We arrived at the library, after a lot of searching, I found the book I was looking for. When Guildarts left on that quest I heard that he was going to have to fight the dragon, Acnologia, I decided to learn about the dragon after learning his name, after some searching I found the book, 'The Dragon of the Apocalypse' is what it was called. I looked through the pages until I found what I was looking and there I found it.


Cliffhanger- no I am going to try to write the next chapter before the end of the day.

I want a whole chapter dedicated to what Levy finds in the book.


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