Chapter 24

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(Lucy POV)
"Welcome to Day 2 of the Grand Magic Games," the pumpkin man shouted and the audience screamed and cheered, hurting the ears of all the dragon slayers including my own. "The first game up is called Chariot."
(Time skip)
'How big of an idiot is he if he has motion sickness and he decides to participate in a game that is called Chariots,' I thought to myself angrily, 'And why did we let him,' I thought again I looked at the score board.
(A/N I might be wrong and I don't know the points)
1st Raven Tail
2nd Sabertooth
3rd Blue Pegasus
4th Mermaid Heel
5th Lamia Scale
5th Fairy Tail Team A
6th Quatro Cerberus
7th Fairy Tail Team B

We were tied for fifth place with Lamia Scale. I sighed and got up and went to the infirmary to check on Natsu. When I arrived there I saw a little blond girl with green eyes at the door.
"Hello there who are y—," I started and then I noticed that she didn't have a scent.
"Oh, I forgot you can see me now," she said gleefully, "Hello, I am Mavis Vermillion, Fairy Tail's First Master," she continued.
"So you are the one that the others were talking to on that island," I asked.
"Yes, I am, Miss Lucy Heartfilia," she answered.
"Good so my guess was correct," I told her, "There was someone else that I couldn't see,"
"Why didn't you say anything about the fact that you couldn't see me," Mavis asked.
"Well, at first I thought that Natsu was crazy until the rest of them started to talk to you and then I thought that there was someone I couldn't see so I keep my mouth shut," I told her.
"Oh, I see, well I hope that we can return you to Acnologia," Mavis told me, and I entered the infirmary and Mavis went to the Fairy Tail viewing area.

(Erza POV)
"Toby's love for his sock is so beautiful," I told Gray with tears streaming from my eyes.
"Seriously," he replied in disbelief.
"This is so Coooool," the guest judge of day 2, Jason of Sorcerer Weekly, cried out as Kurohebi reached out to help Toby up, "Such a display of sportsmanship," he shouted out again.
Then Kurohebi tore Toby's sock to shreds in front of Toby just when they had been reunited. I wanted to give that man a piece of my mind when I heard Lucy.
"He gives snakes a bad name," she says in disgust not looking away from the Raven Tail viewing place.

(Lucy POV)
I got out of the infirmary with Natsu behind me just in time for Lamia Scale's dog man's confession. The dog man, Toby, was more of idiot than Natsu but what that Black Snake Man from Raven Tail did was horrible and I turned to glare at the Raven Tail team when I saw Flare. She was beaten up, badly, I got her good but the injuries that she had were not from me.
"He gives snakes a bad name," I said but I continued to stare at the Raven Tail team in disgust. Natsu but his hand on my shoulder and looked at what I was staring at.
"She was beaten, those injuries were not caused by my battle with her," I growled forgetting to speak in Fiorian (A/N English or Japanese for the show) in my disgust of Raven Tail treatment of their teammate.
"Was it because she lost in her battle against you," Natsu asked me softly.
"Probably, but what can you expect, they were a dark guild," I growled still staring at the Raven Tail team. Flare was not like the other members of Raven Tail, I could sense it, she was just a little misguided, she didn't deserve getting a beaten.
I looked away from the team and turned back to the arena to watch Elfman's fight against the drunk man from last night, Bacchus, I think that was his name. I wish you luck, Elfman, you have a strong opponent.

Time skip because we know that Elfman won because of his manliness

It was time for the battle between Mirajane and Jenny Realight, and they made it a pose off. The first theme was swimsuit modeling, and things started to go down hill from there when people started to join in. I didn't want to go at first but since Mavis so generously provided us with swimsuits who was I to refuse.
I change into a black and blue swimsuit, then I jumped into the stadium. The theme changed and I changed outfits with it, it changed from cat ears to glasses to bondage. When they asked us to grab a partner for the wedding theme I grabbed Natsu who jumped down in a suit and tie, well actually he was pushed down by Mavis, but still I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him close to me before Loke decided to show up and I summoned Aries, who was changed into wedding dress by Virgo before summoning and carrying a white bowl with water, in which I placed Aquarius's key into the bowl so she can summon herself and I summoned Scorpio. I guess Aquarius put Aries up to it, before she answered my summons. Loke and Scorpio were blushing at the two when the theme was changed to swimsuits again when I saw an old lady jump down from a statue in a swimsuit and scarred the people of the arena and all but Mirajane and Jenny left the arena. The battle continued as normal until the theme was changed to battle form and Jenny stated that the loser had to do a nude shot for Sorcerer Weekly, then Mirajane won by knockout using her Sitri form probably seeing through Jenny's plan.
The next battle was the battle between Yukino Agria and Kagura Mikazuchi. I jerked my head up to confirm what I had heard was true and saw the picture of Yukino and I lowered my head so I can watch this battle closely.

(Yukino POV)
I entered the arena for my match against Kagura Mikazuchi. When I entered the arena I looked up and stared at Lucy, I want to win this match to show her that I was thankful for what she did for my sister in my own way. I also wanted to win this for Sabertooth and Sorano. I was looking at Lucy when she pointed at something, my eyes looked in the direction that she was pointing at to see Sorano in the audience. I smiled when I saw her and I looked at my opponent in front of me waiting for the battle to begin.
"Let's make a bet, Miss Agria," Kagura asked me.
"What do you want to bet, Miss Kagura," I asked curiously, 'I hope that it is nothing extreme like our lives, I want to spend a bit more time with Sorano before I died,' I thought to myself.
"Secrets," Kagura told me.
"Like Toby and Kurohebi did for their match," I asked her and she nodded her head, "Okay, its a bet."

(Battle is as it was in the show)

'I lost,' I thought in disbelief, 'how did I lose, that means I have to tell Kargura one of my secrets.' I looked at Sorano in panic, her face was filled with worry, if Kagura asked me to tell her about my sister or about Lucy then I can't lie, I have to keep my promise to uphold my side of the bet. I looked at Lucy and saw her tense, I think she was thinking the same thing as me. I turned to look at Sting, he looked worried, but not for me telling Kagura a secret but for Master Jiemma's reaction to my loss. I got up and turned to leave the arena.
"Meet me behind the Flowerjem bar (A/N I made this name up) tonight," Kagura told me, I stopped and nodded my head and exited the arena.

Cut! *runs to check on the mob and they were still at the door*
Me: okay, I will try to make the next chapter today.
Yukino: who do you want for the next scene.
Me: I need ............
Me: it will be a secret for you readers, read the next chapter and find out.

Sorry for the wait, I will try to publish the next chapter later today or tomorrow, but no promises.
I don't own Fairy Tail


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