Chapter 10

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(Book POV)

When Acnologia was young he fell in love with a woman named Anna Heartfillia, the two of them had children together and lived happily. Sadly this happiness wouldn't last long because the people of this time period hated the dragons and they attacked the couple. The two when into hiding, neither Acnologia nor Anna were heard from until years later when they were found. The knights of that time killed Anna and that caused Acnologia to go on a killing spree killing all of the people of the nearby towns. This incident is the reason why Acnologia hates humans so much, but he doesn't hate all humans. It is believed that the female descendants of Anna and Acnologia are the only ones that can calm this dragon. The women of the Heartfilla name all look like their ancestor, Anna Heartfillia, they are said to be able to control the dragon as well. These women are named the 'Hearts of the Apocalypse'  because they are able to act as the heart of their monstrous dragon. If you are unfortunate enough to harm or kill one of these women you will face the wrath of the dragon of the Apocalypse. If these women find themselves in the company of the dragon they will be seen as treasure to the dragon and they will be raised by the dragon. The only way to control the dragon is to have one of its Hearts. The last known Heartfillia is Lucy Heartfillia, who disappeared after her mother's death on July 7th, X777. She is believed to be with the dragon, Acnologia, whoever finds her return her to the dragon or wait for him to come to you, don't harm her, and if you do may God have mercy on your soul. That is my warning to you reader. 


Bam Bam Baaaam 

Me: How was that, great I know, three chapters in one day

Random Hater: That was horrible 

Me: No one cares what you think you are a random hater you don't have a name. *blows raspberry*

Me: What do you think?


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