Chapter 25

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"Let's head out!!" Bam yelled from the living room. I trampled down the steps, my luggage clattering behind me. "LET'S GO!!" I yelled as I raced out the front door. It may've been 5 in the morning, but I was ready to go. I missed Johnny sooo much and I couldn't wait to be with him. We got in the car and started off to the airport. By time we got in the plane my hands we twitching and my knees were shaking. I don't think I'd ever been so excited in my entire life. This morning as soon as I woke up I sent a Happy Birthday text and I sneak peek of what he would get later tonight. Don't act like you've never wanted to send an explicit photo of yourself. I'm no saint. The 4 hour flight felt like a 24 hour flight. When we finally arrived I probably looked like I had a bad case of the shivers. We drove to the hotel and I went back to sleep. It was 4 in the afternoon when I woke back up. Johnny's party started at 6 so I started to get ready. I took a quick shower and crimped my hair so it was nice and poofy. I did my makeup darkly and put on a dark violet lipstick. My outfit consisted of a plain black, long sleeved mini dress, violet tights, and a pair of black booty heels. I had a long spiky necklace on and a belt with a skull on around my waist. I grabbed my sparkly silver clutch and put all my necessities in it. The guys were waiting in the lobby for me. "Damn" Ryan said with his mouth in an O shape. "Johnny is in for a pleasant surprise" Rake said goofily. I shook my head and laughed. "Can we just go?" I asked hurriedly. The guys laughed and walked out to the car. Now believe it or not, but I've never been to Johnny's ever, but there's a first for everything. I knew we were there when we pulled up to a fairly big mansion with at least 70 cars already out front, small gathering my ass. We walked up to the house in our little group and proceeded to let ourselves in. There was booming music playing and people were crowded around the living room. I was surprised to see a lot of people I knew from tv. Well I guess Johnny is on tv so that would make some sense. No, but I saw some super awesome guys, I mean even Rob Dydrek was there, I've looked up to that guy since god knows when. Finally after at least 10 minutes of searching I finally spotted Johnny. "Johnny baby!!" I yelled from across the room. He turned towards me with a huge smile on his face. Quickly he walked towards me and picked me up in his arms, twirling me around. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him passionately. "Happy Birthday" I whispered into his ear. He smiled and kissed me again. "I missed you" he said back to me. "I missed you too baby" I said as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. I never wanted to let go. "I have something to show you" he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs. We ended up in his room. He sat me down on his bed and went over to his nightstand, pulling out a small box. Woah ok I may be in love with this guy, I think, but there is now way in hell I'm ready to get married. "Johnny" I said hesitantly. "Don't worry, I'm not proposing" he chuckled as he walked over to me. "Then what are you doing?" I asked. "I'm making a promise" he said as he opened up the small box. Inside was a small silver ring with small roses engraved into the band. He gestured for me to hold out my hand, I did. "This is a promise ring and you're promising to be mine" he said sweetly. "I love you" I choked out. "I love you to the moon and back" he said before kissing me once again.

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