Chapter 10

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"I can't believe we're going" I gawked as the guys put the skis on my boots. "Well you better believe it sexy" Novak said as he suited up too. "I just got back into town and I'm already terrorizing your parents again" I laughed. "Yah it'll be hella fun" Dunn joked. I chuckled and stood on the snow covered stairs with Novak. Just as we were about to go down Ape came in and began to yell and scream her little head off. We both went out and zoomed out the screen door. Luckily Novak got more of the impact. We tumbled into the snow covered lawn. I groaned as I felt my head was cut and my whole body hurt. Carefully I got up and staggered back into the house. I sat on one of the stools in the kitchen as the guys walked in to see my blood covered face. "OH SHIT MEDIC!!!" Knoxville yelled as he ran over to me. "Miranda are you ok!?!" He asked frantically. "Just peachy" I said giving him a thumbs. He softly chuckled as began to wipe off some of the blood with a wet paper towel. I loved him being so close to me. It just felt so right and all the pain seemed to disappear. I almost groaned when he pulled away and the medic came and took over. I really wanted to snatch her blonde extensions out because she kept giving Johnny looks and he was returning them. Frankly this little exchange was really irking me. "I can take it from here" I grumbled before stalking off to the bathroom. Holy shit why were there tears in my eyes. I've only known this guy for like a month!!! What the hell is happening to me. Oh fuck me!!! I cleaned off the rest of the blood and wiped the tears from my eyes before walking back to the living room. "Hey M why are your eyes red and puffy?" Dico asked while examining my face. "I have no clue, they probably got a little busted up from the stunt" I said covering up the fact that I had been crying. "Well it looks like you've been crying" he said. At that exact moment Johnny walked out chatting up the medic. "You know what Dico I bet you could make me feel better" I whispered in his ear seductively. He grabbed me by the waist. "Well we're almost done here and then I'll take you to my place instead of going back with the hell hounds" he offered. I bit my lip and nodded my head. When I looked over Johnny was giving Dico the death glare. I pulled away and Dico smiled at me. "Oh and whoever made you cry is a dick" he added. I smiled and nodded "You've got that right" I agreed with him. After I helped Ape clean up the mess that we all made. "So I see Knoxville has a little thing for you" She said suggestively. "No Johnny has a thing for the medic" I sad showing a little more emotion then I would like. "And what it sounds like is you have a thing for Knoxville as well" she said smiling. "Nope I don't, matter of fact I'm hanging out with Dico tonight" I said. "Miranda when you were teenagers you and Dico hung out all the time." she said laughing. "Well tonight's gonna be different" I shrugged. She just laughed and shook her head. I groaned and walked away. The guys were in the kitchen with Phil laughing about something stupid. "I'm gonna head home guys" I said. "I'll take ya" Johnny offered standing up and grabbing his keys quickly. "I can handle it, come on Dico" I said giving Johnny a sort've dirty look. "Alright deuces guys" he said while grabbing his keys. "Bye assholes" I said waving. "Dico is gonna get some tonight!!!" Bam yelled and the guys began to howl. I flipped them off as we walked out of the house. "Are you sure about this M" Dico asked cautiously. "Fuck yes" I said as we drove off

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