Chapter 20

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"I'm a jackass, I'm a jackass!!" I sang yelled as I ran around the house. "I'm gonna break all my bones and get payed for it!!" I continued to yell happily. "Alright kiddo. How about you just chill" Johnny smiled as he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to him. "Oo Johnny I didn't know you were into kids, kinky" I said as I winked at him. He rolled his eyes and kissed me lightly. I pulled out of his arms and walked over to Bam who was sitting at the pirate bar. "Guess what?" I whispered into his ear. "What?" he asked as he took a drink of his beer. "I'M GONNA BE ON JACKASS!!!" I yelled loudly into his ear causing him to spit out his drink. "Fuck Miranda" he groaned as he rubbed his temples. I laughed and skipped up the stairs merrily. When I got upstairs I saw Phil, Ape, and my mom just walking in. "Hey you rascals" I said as I hugged them and wrapped an arm around my mom's shoulder. "Hi honey" my mom said as she kissed me cheek. Johnny came galloping up the stairs and stopped when he saw everyone causing Bam to run into him, which resulted with them both lying on the floor. We hadn't actually told them that we were together. These people were extremely protective over me and it made Johnny nervous. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the two idiots on the ground. "I don't claim him as my son" Phil sighed as he shook his head. "Oh Bammy, Knoxville are you two ok?" Ape said as she helped them up. Johnny chuckled lightly and rubbed the back of his neck. He always did that when he was embarrassed. It was literally one of the sexiest things in the whole world. I could've jumped his bones right now. Well actually I probably wouldn't have because Johnny and I haven't actually gotten intimate. I didn't want to have sex with him in a house full of ass wipes and peeping toms. "So I have good news for you all" I said as I passed out coffee to everyone. We had moved up to the living room to sit. "What is that sweetheart?" my mom asked as she sipped her coffee. I swear my mom is the cutest thing alive. "Well actually two things" I said. I smiled over at Johnny and he looked hesitant. "The first thing is I have a new boyfriend" I said as I looked at Johnny. "Miranda!!" my mom and Ape yelled in unison. I looked at them while scrunching my eyebrows together. "Ma, Ape just listen. He is literally the sweetest guy in the fucking world and he makes me the happiest woman ever" I said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Johnny smile at me. I walked over and grabbed his face between mine and kissed him sweetly. When I looked behind me Ape and my mom were smiling while Phil rolled his eyes and smirked. "I knew you'd get with one of these idiots" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and kissed Johnny once more. "Well welcome to the family" my mom said as she hugged Johnny. He sighed and hugged her back tightly. "Good pick" Ape said as she squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. "Alright there's more" I announced. "Okay go on" my mom said. "Well I'm now a Jackass" I said quietly. "No!" My mom and Ape yelled in unison once more. I rolled my eyes and raised my eyebrows at them. "Miranda I just got you back. I'm not letting you get hurt again" my mom said softly. "Mir you're a lady, not one of these things" Ape said as she gestured to the guys. "Listen I love you two, but this is my decision. I'm an adult. I'll be fine" I said sternly. My mom groaned. "Just don't get yourself killed Miranda" she sighed. I smile widely. "I won't" I said as I hugged her tightly. If she only knew what was going to kill me, not literally let's hope.

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