Chapter 17

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"Woo hoo hoo, I saw this coming, but I didn't think it would happen so fast" I heard Dunn say as he walked out on Johnny and I kissing. I flipped Dunn the finger as I continued to kiss Johnny. "Bam's coming" he said in a sing songy voice. This caused us to quickly pull apart. During our little cuddle session I told Johnny about everything Bam said. He didn't take offense because he said for the most part it was true, but I could trust him. We decided to wait a bit before telling Bam because we both knew how he could be, but now that I was thinking about it, my opinion didn't stop him from being with Missy. Being that I'm a spontaneous bitch I grabbed Johnny by the shirt collar and began to kiss him passionately. "What the fuck!" I heard Bam yell. I turned I looked at Johnny and lightly pecked his lips before turning to Bam. "How can I help you?" I asked as I crossed my arms and Johnny wrapped his arms around my waist. Bam's face was turning red, but he was determined to stay calm. "Missy is here" he said through gritted teeth before walking back inside. "Well let's go and greet the bitch" I said cheerfully as I grabbed his hand and pulled him along with me. "You know baby, you are badass" he whispered in my ear almost causing me to moan. I had to bite my bottom lip to keep my self from letting a loud one leave my mouth. I knew he knew that he was affecting because he was smirking almost as good as Severus Snape himself. When we walked into the house I saw Missy hanging all over Bam as he talked to the guys. When she heard the door close she directed her attention towards Johnny and I. Johnny kissed my cheek before walking over to the couch and sitting on the armrest. "Miranda long time no see" she said in her annoyingly high pitched voice. "Yah well it hasn't been long enough" I murmured. "What was that?" she asked faking politeness. "Oh I was just saying how I missed your slutiness and all" I smirked at her. She flared her nostrils at me and turned away. "Come in Murr please be nice" Bam whispered as he walked past me and into the kitchen. I shrugged my shoulders and made an innocent face. "Whatever do you mean?" I said softly. He rolled his eyes, but I saw a smile playing on his lips. "Please can you just help her with dinner in peace?" he practically begged. "Only because you're letting me stay here for free" I agreed. He smiled and hugged me tightly. "Bammy" I heard Missy whine. Everyone laughed when I took in a sharp breath. "Be nice" Bam whispered in my ear as he walked over to Missy. As we were cooking, or I WAS COOKING!!! Missy stood by the counter and glared at me hatefully the whole time. "Take a picture, it'll last longer" I said as I finished putting the lasagna in the oven. "You know Miranda we were all happier when you were in a coma" she said spitefully. "Oh is that right" I smirked as I crossed my arms and leaned against the counter. I raised and eyebrow and smirked. "Please tell me" I smiled at her. "Well first off Bam and I got back together and Raab wasn't being tortured anymore" she said. "Well guess what skank hoe, we were all happier when Bam broke up with your cheating ass" I said back confidently. Her nostrils flared and she pursed her lips just like she always does when you know you're pissing her off. "YOU KNOW WHAT!!! BAM NEVER HAS LIKED YOU!!! HE JUST FEELS BAD FOR YOU SINCE A BI-POLAR, DRUG ADDICT, SEX ADDICT, CUTTER!!" she yelled loudly causing everyone to come running to the kitchen to see the scene. I felt the tears sting my eyes. "Oh I'm sorry did I hit a nerve" she said innocently as she stuck out her bottom lip. "Yah keep telling yourself that Missy. Scream it to the world for all I care. Sure my past is fucked up, but at least I'm not a bitter bitch" I said as my voice cracked. "Aww did my make the crackhead cry" she said. Johnny looked to me then to Missy as Bam glared at Missy and all the CKY guys looked at me sympathetically. "You know what Missy I don't care. I'm sick of keeping this stupid shit a secret!! Go ahead spill all my dirty secrets!!" I screamed at her. She looked at the ground and didn't speak a work. "Yah that's what I thought. Well I think you guys got the jist of it anyways. I'm a heroine shooting, self mutilating freak who can't not sleep with somebody for at least a week. I'm was a fucked up mess, but I've changed!! But unfortunately for you Missy the one thing that hasn't changed is that I still have a problem with your face and won't hesitate to kick your ass!!" I yelled through tears as I lunged at her. I felt someone grab around my waist, but I was still able to grab a handful of her hair. Then I blacked out.

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