Chapter 2

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"Trevor you cannot bring Phillip" I groaned. I cannot see why he decided to come up with the great idea to bring his pet turtle. We were literally leaving in 5 minutes and now he decides to have a temper tantrum. "He'll die without food" Trevor cried. "Baby listen Dana is going to come over everyday and feed him. We cannot bring him, he'll get homesick and he'll get depressed and cry" I said crouching down and putting my hands on his shoulder. "Mommy, but I love him" he cried. "And he loves you too, but listen you've got to man up" I said sternly. He nodded and grabbed his suitcase and stomped out to the door. I chuckled and followed behind him. He finally let me buckle him up and we were off. Once I turned on the radio he stopped being all pissy and began to sing along to Green day with me. We jammed out and kept on singing the whole way. I'm so happy with him. He's the only thing that keeps me same nowadays. Trevor is my world. When he's not over I fall back into a depressed state and I have an anxiety attack at least two times a day. We soon got to the airport considering we live pretty damn close. Well close enough that the planes wake me up at night. After we got checked and our luggage ready Trevor and I finally got onto the plane. I made sure Trevor was comfortable with a glass of orange juice and headphones for the little tv. All too soon he fell asleep and I was left super bored. At some point I was really tempted to wake him up, but if I did he'd be a real asshole. Damn are you supposed to call your toddler and asshole. I don't think so, but I can't take it back and I'm being honest. Finally we arrived and I picked up a sleeping Trevor. I was definitely struggling to get our carry ons and holding my sleeping child. "I got you" a voice said behind me. When I turned around I saw one of the most gorgeous men in the entire world. "Thanks single mom here" I said pointing at myself. "Must be tough" he laughed. "Tough enough, but I don't have to share him" I said. He smiled and nodded grabbing my carry ons and walking out of the plane with us. "Can I just say you are lovely" he said out of the blue. "Well thank you, you're not to bad yourself" I said nudging him. He smiled a beautiful smile. "Well thank you I'm Max and I know this sudden but maybe could I call you sometime?" he asked. "Yah you could it's not everyday that I have men knocking down my door since I have a kid" I said. He laughed "He's cute I think I could deal with a cute kid". I smiled at him and gave him my number and started to look for Bam. Soon I spotted him standing in a crowd of girls and greasy skateboarders. "Hey asshole" I said walking up. "Miranda!!!" he yelled. "Hey dude shut up toddler sleeping here" I said pointing to Trevor who was asleep on my shoulder. He laughed "Man he's getting big". "Yah and sassier" I said. He laughed and we grabbed our bags and headed out to Bam's purple car. We packed in and I got Trevor comfortable who surprisingly hadn't awoken. "Now M there's some guys staying out my place" Bam said. I felt my breath catch in my throat "Bam you didn't tell me your stupid friends were going to be there too" I growled. "Well I thought Trevor would have some fun with em' and you could too" he said shrugging not caring about my sudden glare. "I swear to god Bam if they're doing any type of drug or even drinking around him I'll kill you and all of them" I growled. "M they're not like that, Novak doesn't even do that shit anymore" he argued. "You better hope so" I said turning on the radio and leaning my head against the window. I awoke when I heard the back door close. My eyes got wide when I saw Trevor was no longer in the backseat. "TREVOR!!" I yelled getting out of the car frantically. "Trevor!!!" I cried. Tears were streaming down my face and I was having a major panic attack. "TREVOR BABY!!" I yelled some more. Quickly I ran into the house and someone caught me in their arms. "Woah woah" they said as they held me. "TREVOR" I yelled again. "BAM!!!" the guy yelled. "What's wrong?!?" he said running down the steps. "Where the fuck is my son!!!" I yelled at him. "M calm down he's with Dunn" he said. I cried and cried and Bam came over and held onto me tightly. "I'm so sorry" I said into his shoulder. "It's alright sweetheart" he said reassuringly. If you're wondering why I was flipping out one time I came home and Trevor had been staying with babysitter when I was out working later. When I got home the babysitter was gone and so was Trevor. Then 2 hours later Robert walked into the house with Trevor. Robert and I had still been together but he was supposed to be out of town. Trevor was only a few months old at the time. Never in my life had I been so scared. "I'm sorry" I turned around to the guy. He smiled widely at me. His aviators looked so good on him and his dark hair was gelled up perfectly. "It's alright I'd do the same thing if I didn't know where my little girl was" he said. I nodded "I'm Miranda" I told him offering my hand. "Johnny" he said taking mine in his. He was pretty good looking and just under his gaze I felt my legs turn to jelly. It's a good thing Bam was still holding me up otherwise I'd more then likely be on the ground because my legs couldn't support me. Bam led me upstairs keeping me steady. When I got upstairs I saw Trevor talking animatedly to a group of men. "Mommy!!" he yelled when he saw me. "Hi baby" I said hugging him. Hey Dunn" I said walking over and messing up his hair and sitting down on his lap. He laughed and hugged me and messing up my hair as well. "Hey Cortiella" he said. Cortiella is my last name, I'm a full blood Italian. "Hey snorts" I said to Novak. He rolled his eyes "What up mini me". Rake, Raab and Dico were nowhere to be seen but I suspected they'd show up sometime soon. I got to meet the rest of Bam's friends and they all seemed pretty cool. It reminded me of the CKY days. They're all like man children. There was one that really caught my eye and that was a Mr. Johnny Knoxville.

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