Chapter 8

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"I fucking hate that guy!!" Bam yelled extremely loud after I walked into the backyard. I shrugged and frowned. "Yah really who the fuck does he think he is!!" Dunn yelled. "I don't know guys" I said as I rested my head in my hands. "Shouldn't you be pissed?" Novak asked me. "I should be, but I'm not" I said quietly. Johnny looked at me sadly. "Not this shit again?" Bam groaned "What shit?" Wee man asked. "The I still love him shit" Dunn finished for Bam. "Wait you still love him?" Steve-O asked bewildered. I shrugged "He was my first love." I said. "First love my ass, your first love was Jess" Bam smirked. I laughed at the memory. I used to have the biggest crush on Jess. He was the guy I lost my virginity to. "Wait hold up you like Jess??" Chris laughed. I winked at him and licked my lips. The guys howled with laughter except for Johnny he stayed stone faced. "He took her innocence" Dunn said smirking at me. "Shut up you asshole" I yelled at him. The guys looked at me shocked. "Alright everyone it's not a big deal I had sex with Jess Margera in Bam's bed" I admitted. Everyone laughed even louder. "I'm still pissed about that" Bam growled. "We should go drinking to celebrate Bam's major life event" Ehren offered. "YES!!!" I yelled. "I haven't drank in like 2 months" I said exasperated. "Holy shit" Preston said. "Let me go get ready" I said as I ran into the house. When I got in there I went up to my room and dug through my bags. I pulled out a all lace, black top and a pair of acid-washed skinny jeans. I pulled on black stilettos and put on a leather jacket. I curled my hair and put a bump in the front. I did my makeup darkly and put on a light pink lipstick. I grabbed my purse and walked down the stairs. The guys' jaws dropped when they saw me. I smirked and winked at them. "Well stop gawking at me and let's go" I said to them. They all nodded and followed me out to the van. We drove to the hottest part of town for the bar scene. We got out and the guys were instantly recognized. I was pushed out of the way by some slurry girls. I stumbled falling to the floor. When I looked up I saw Johnny's face turn red and push some of the girls out of the way. "Watch out" he growled as he came over and picked me up off the ground. "You alright?" he whispered to me. I nodded slowly at him and he pulled me into his side. The girls scoffed and got pictures with the rest of the guys. I think the girls were hunting for numbers, but they were not successful. The guys and I walked into a hidden bar. The company was good and they didn't act like the girls that we met outside. They were in their later 30s so they were cool. I didn't want to deal with girls my own age, they were all sluts and annoying and overly loud. I had a few drinks and played pools with the guys. After awhile I felt the alcohol kicking in and I knew I didn't need to drink anymore or I had to at least wait a little while until my next drink. I wasn't the type of girl to get extremely drunk and just pass out or sleep with some random guy. "Well guys I think I'm gonna head home" I said slightly tipsy. They all looked at me confused. "Umm M how drunk are you? We only brought one car" Bam said. "Taxi" I said shrugging. "I don't know Miranda I don't think it's safe for you to be walking around town this late" Dave said. "I'll be fine" I said waving a hand at them. "I'll go with her" I heard someone say as I walked through the bar. As I stepped outside Johnny caught up to me. He smiled at me widely and it caused me to grin back at him. "Well thank you sir Knoxville for being my escort this fine evening" I said while curtsying at him. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Anytime beautiful" he said sweetly. I blushed at his compliment and continued to walk. I caught a taxi for us and we got in. I told the drive where to go and snuggled into Johnny's side. This felt too right. It felt so good to just be in his arms. He was so muscular and he smelt so good. I caught myself drifting asleep, but I didn't try to stay awake. After awhile I couldn't do it any longer and I let sleep take over.

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