Chapter 15

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"Morning" I yawned as I walked into the kitchen. Raab was smiling smugly to himself. "Well I see why you're yawning, I'm sure you didn't get much sleep last night" Pontius winked. I felt my face heat up and a small smile begin to play on my lips. When I looked up I saw Johnny glaring intensely at the floor with his arms crossed...poor floor. Well what the hell did he expect me to do I haven't had sex in 5 fucking years!!! That's a long ass time!!! Especially for me I'm practically a nymphomaniac!! "Sorry" I murmured before sitting down at the table next to Johnny unfortunately. It was the only seat open. He didn't even acknowledge my presence. "So what are you all doing today?" I asked as I ate a piece of bacon from Dunn's plate. "Well I know some of us have scheduled stunts" Bam shrugged. "Ooo you should do one!!" Dave said excitedly. "You know as much as I'd love to my legs still aren't working perfectly so I'll have to pass" I said. He groaned and took a drink What the hell were they drinking so early for. I mean damn! The guys went back to their conversations and I turned towards Knoxville. "What are doing today, Knox?" I asked. "I don't know, nothin" he shrugged. "Well then I'll spend the day with you" I smiled. Even he couldn't stay mad because he looked up and smiled at me before nodding. "I'm gonna go and get dressed and then we're gonna sneak out of here" I whispered before sneaking upstairs. Ape and my mom had been planning for this, so they'd bought me a whole new wardrobe and Bam had loaded me up with Dickhouse gear. I grabbed a black tank top, a purple and grey plaid flannel, skinny jeans, a pair of converse. I straightened my hair and put a black beanie over it. I didn't do my makeup at all because I just didn't have any. Johnny was waiting right outside my door causing me to start to scream. He covered my mouth and smiled at me. "You scared the shit out of me" I said while hitting his chest. He laughed lightly and pulled me into his chest. My heart was racing. "You know I was hoping for more of a charming effect" he smiled. I laughed and pinched the sides of his cheeks. "Awe Knoxville I'm girls find you very charming, just not me" I winked at him as I walked towards the front door. He laughed and followed behind me. "Which one's yours?" I asked. "The red Porsche" he said as he gestured to a very nice and expensive looking vehicle. It brought back tons of memories. "That one's a lot nicer then the one Dunn and I put together" I said in awe. "Wait you're into cars?" he asked as he looked shocked. "Uh yah so" I said as I raised an eyebrow at him. "It's just that not a lot of girls are into that kind've thing" he said. "Well in not like other girls" I smirked as I snatched the keys out of his hand. "No no no I do not think that's a good idea. You haven't driven in years and I have a feeling you don't have a license" he said with his arms crossed. I smirked and walked closer to him. "Johnny I've never had a license my whole life, but that never stopped me" I said. His eyes widened and he shook his head. "Now come on. I promise I won't wreck you little matchbox car" I said as I rolled my eyes. "This is a lot more expensive then a matchbox car" he said. "Well I think it's a rip off because it's the same exact size" I smirked before hopping into the driver's side. "So you're serious about this" he said from outside the car. "Hell yes" I grinned. He sighed and got into the passenger seat. "You should put your seat belt on" I advised. He looked fearful and put it on quickly. I started up the car and couldn't help, but giggle out of excitement. Johnny looked at him with wide eyes and a scared expression. I couldn't help but grin at him. "Here we go!!" I yelled a I sped off.

"Remind me to never let you drive again" Johnny said as we walked into my favorite burger place. It was small little diner where all the CKY gang would hang out every Saturday night. "Oh don't be a baby" I teased. I led Johnny back to my favorite booth and sat down. "Hi dolls my name is Betty and I'll be your waitress today" Betty said. She hadn't looked up from her notepad yet. "I'll have my usual" I said as I waited for her to look at me. When she looked up she broke into a huge grin and shrieked. "Oh lord it's my little Mirmaid" she said. You see what I did there? I jumped and hugged her tightly. "I can't even count how many times I went up to the hospital!" she yelled. "Well I'm back now" I said happily as I sat back down. "And what can I get your date?" she winked. "Oh he's not my date, we're just friends" I said quickly. "Yah just friends" Johnny mumbled. "Alright Just Friend what can I get you?" She asked. "I'll just have the same as my friend" he said. Betty smiled sympathetically at him and touched his arm. She bent down and whispered something in his ear causing him to grin. When she walked away Johnny smirked at me. "I'm not even going to ask" I smiled and shook my head. "Good because I wasn't going to tell you" he smirked. "Oh and you'll probably regret getting what I ordered" I said sweetly. "I'm not even going to ask" he said. "Good because I wasn't going to tell you" I smirked at him. He laughed and shook his head at me. I could tell this was already going to be the best day of my entire life.t

You can Johnny my Knoxville Anyday (Johnny Knoxville Love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora