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"Eomonie, please, I don't want to wear that!" She looks at her new uniform with disgust.

Her mother shakes her head. "So you want to go naked?"

"Aniyo, what I mean is—" She turns her head to her father. "Abhuji..." She looks at her father with pleading eyes.

"Yeobo, don't mess this time around. Look what you've done to her." Her mother warns her father.

Her father forms a wide smile on his face as he nods to her mother. "Okay yeobo. I will try to zip my mouth." Her father then imaginarily zips his mouth.

"Ahhh... Abhuji!" She pouts.

She throws her uniform on the floor as she gets inside her room. "Tsssk, I hate it!"

Her mother knocks on her door. She peeps on her door and throws her a paper bag.

"What is this eomonie?" She tries to pick up the paper bag.

"Use that when school starts, ne?" Her mother closes the door only to open it again. "Ya! What are you doing with your uniform?"

She smiles and quickly picks it up. "Urghh."

She places her uniform on her bed when her mother left her. She curiously looks at the paper bag her mother gave her. "Yaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" She throws it away. Her mother just gave her pins, headbands and clips.

"No way I'm going to use those stuffs!" She murmurs on the air.


The next day...

"Good morning eomonie, abhuji!" Carla happily said as she walks down on the stairs.

Her father looks at her. "Aishh, why are you so happy?"

She frowns while still smiling. "What? Is it wrong to be happy in the morning abhuji?" She sits on one of the chairs of their kitchen table.

"You want something right?" Her mother guesses. "What is it?"

She slowly steps towards her mother. "Eomonie, give me some money." She hugs her at the back.

"Aigoo. I knew it!" Her mother pats her arm. "No."

She pouts. "I just want to go out eomonie. To make friends." She acts as if she is so sad. "But... Okay, I'll just wait here."

"Aishh, here, here. Just make sure to make friends hmm?" Her father gives in and gives her some money.

"Omo, I love you so much ahbuji! You really love me, unlike the others here..." She hides from her father's back when she sees her mother's sharp glare at her.

Her mother shakes her head. "Just make sure that its girls, not boys... Or if boys, it's someone whom you want to date not as playmates."

Her eyes widen as she hears it. "DATE?" She hugs herself and fondles her arms. "No way." She looks at her mother with scared looks.

"No way, no way! Aigoo, I rather see you dating than not getting interested in marrying. Aishh..." Her mother murmurs.

She gets her glass of milk and walk slowly towards their gyeosil. "Eomonie, you are the weirdest mother I've ever known. Other parents don't want their children to date, but you? Aigoo... But I love you eomonie!" She runs after saying it.


"Are you sure you already know way back home?" Her father peeps on the window of his car. She asks him to drop her on the city of their place when she saw her father driving for work.

Unrequited Love of 1870's Diary {SHINee Jonghyun}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora