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Carla falls into a deep sleep. She is having a bad dream.

"Jega odee-eenayo? (Where am I?)" Carla looks around.

She is surprised to see Claudette lying... Lifelessly... "Grand-mere?" She tries to pat Claudette's cheek, but her hand pierces through as she does it many times.

Her eyes widen when she realizes what Claudette did. She killed herself. Oh my goodness! Is this when she died?

Carla's heart starts to beat fast when she hears a loud noise from the outside.

"Why is it so stinky here?" She hears it said by someone in pure French.

"Allons à l'intérieur. (Let's go inside.)"

Carla holds her breathe when she hears it. Ottokhae? They might think that I killed halmeoni. She tries to hide herself. She is trembling when she sees that one person looks to where she hides, but the person only frowns and then directly attends to Claudette.

Carla decided to show up, but the people did not notice her. In fact, they leave her while they bring out Claudette's dead body.

The next scene makes Carla's heart wrench. "Poor halmeoni." She can't stop her tears from falling.

She hears the people arguing where to put Claudette's body since no one claim that they are her family. Her heart sinks when she sees her great great great grandfather, great great great grandmother and also Noemie. She sees Noemie crying so hard, attempting to go near, but her parents are stopping her.

"Grand-pere, grand-mere, l'aider se il vous plaît. (Grandfather, grandmother, help her please.)" She pleads to them although she knows that they can't hear her.

To her disappointment, her ancestors just turn their backs and then leave Claudette heartlessly.

"Grand-mere... I wish I can do more for you. I'm sorry if great great great grandfather and mother did that to you." She whispers in the thin air as she watches Claudette being buried in a vacant lot with a no name on her tombstone.


Carla stares blankly to her room's ceiling as she realizes her dream. Now I know why she really hates this clan. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry if they did that to you grand-mere.

"Eomma and appa, can I have a word with you?" She asks when they are having their breakfast.

Her parents look at her confusingly. "What is it dear?"

She looks at her mother seriously. "Eomma, do you know where Claudette's burial grave is?"

Her mother frowns. She shakes her head sadly. "I was not told about it. Perhaps your great grandmother knows about it."

She disappointedly nods. "Arasseo."

"Wae? What are you planning to do?" Her father asks.

"Nothing. I just had this dream appa. A dream as to where she is buried."

"Chincha? Did she still keep on haunting you?"

She shakes her head. "Aniyo appa." But she is using Mi Cha's body for her revenge. I need to do something to stop everything.

"Appa, eomma. I'll be going now."

"Huh? Are you not going to wait for your boyfriend?" Her mother asks her with confused face.

"There's somewhere I need to go eomma. I'll just message him. Jalja."


Carla presses the doorbell of Mi Cha's place for the 3rd time already.

Unrequited Love of 1870's Diary {SHINee Jonghyun}Where stories live. Discover now