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Jonghyun's P.O.V.

He angrily looks at Carla slash Claudette. "You get away from my girlfriend's body Claudette."

Claudette stands and then claps her hands. "Bravo! You recognized me that soon huh?"

"Where's my girlfriend? Where is Carla?"

Claudette smirks. "Carla? Well, she's trapped inside her own body. She's too weak to push me out. Ohh... I'm sorry for that. I might borrow her body for... How about... The rest of her life?" Claudette laughs in an evil way.

Jonghyun is terrified to hear it. "No way you can do that! Carla please fight back. Please... If you hear me, please don't let her rule your body forever."

Claudette hisses. "Ohh... Poor you. I think this is the best revenge I should give to their clan. What do you think Jonghyun-ssi?"

He angrily and tightly holds Carla's hand. "I won't allow you to do that Claudette. You won't be staying inside Carla's body forever. Never!"

Claudette tries to escape his tight grip. "But how are you going to solve that when it's only her who can solve it? And by the way... She's starting to lose herself now... Her soul is starting to emerge with mine."

Jonghyun shakes Carla's body. "Ya... Yeobo... Don't let this devil ruin you. Please... Come back to us... To me yeobo. Don't let her win." He desperately begs her.

"Enough!" Claudette pushes him. "I'm sorry Jonghyun, but I won't allow you to ruin everything that I planned."

"It's you who should stop this Claudette. Are you not tired of revenging? Are you not tired of hurting other people and yourself too? So, what if you can revenge? Do you think you will be happy with that decision? Don't you really think that you will be regretting it in the end?"

Claudette raises a brow. "Ha!? The audacity of you to say that to me! You don't even know me at all Jonghyun. So better keep yourself away from this whole fiasco if you don't want to be drag down!"

Jonghyun shakes his head slowly. He looks at her intensely as if he is seeing Claudette right in front of him and not Carla. "I know you Claudette. You are that child who longs for a parental love... A child who was deprive of almost everything."

Then Jonghyun stares at her with pity in his eyes. He notices that Claudette seems to be affected with his words, he continues. "You are that teenage girl who always wants to be appreciated... But sad to say, you are always behind the shadow of your beautiful sister. And for that you discreetly got jealous! You are that woman who fell in love with the wrong person and seduced him to steal him away from the person he loved... That person who at the end of that affair chose your sister rather than you! And yet you chose to blame your sister! You chose to hate the only person who believed and loved you unconditionally! "

Claudette covers her ears. She is starting to get hysterical. "Enough! I'm not listening to you! You are just trying to deceive me! Liar!"

Jonghyun pulls her hands that are covering her ears. "That's the naked truth Claudette! You don't want to accept the facts because you always blinded of your belief in revenge! You will be forever haunted with the truth unless you will let go of the past!" He keeps on yelling it to her.

"No! You are just saying that so that I will go out from Carla's body!" Claudette keeps on pushing him, but Jonghyun clings on her tightly.

"No I'm not! I'm doing this because I want you to realize everything Claudette! I want all of these to stop so we can all live peacefully! You are trapped in this gloomy and dark dungeon that you built in your heart because you never accepted the truth. You have to embrace it and let go of the past Claudette... If you are able to face your fears and embrace it as the truth, then you will be set free. You can do better than this. You, of all the people involved in this whole situation, deserve better than this... So please..." Jonghyun almost whispers the last few words when he sees that Claudette is trying to calm down.

Unrequited Love of 1870's Diary {SHINee Jonghyun}Where stories live. Discover now