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Don't be nervous ne?

Can't help it.

She replied it to Jonghyun. Today is the opening of their sports fest. It's been a week that they are like this: keeping their relationship away from the knowledge of others. And if Jonghyun misses her, he will sneak at their house late at night.

I'm here to support you. Your eomonie and ahbuji are here to support you too, right?

Chincha? You are here in our school?

Of course! I want to support you! And look at your beautiful face. :P I didn't tell Mi Cha. She does not want me to come.

Kurae? Ya, oppa, I will be more nervous now that I know you are here. T_T

Aigoo, don't be arasseo? Aja, aja, fighting!

Gomawo. Carla quickly sends it when she notices Mi Cha approaching towards her. "Couz'..."

"Here, take this." Mi Cha gives her a football ball. "Seongsanim want you to bring this." Mi Cha leaves after saying it.

She sighs. Mi Cha is still mad at her.


She looks at the mirror as the time for the opening salvo is fast approaching. She gets startle when she sees Claudette. She looks around to see if there is another person other than her. She feels relieve when she finds out that there is none.

"Grand-mere... Why are you here?"

But Claudette does not answer. Instead, she leaves her with an evil laugh. She feels worried about it. What is she thinking right now? What will she do to me? She shivers when she imagines different negative scenarios. I hope none of these happens.

Carla mentally counts one to five before she goes out when their team's name is called. Her heart starts to thud so fast when she hears screams and whistles. She tries to give her best smile. She simply looks around while trying to look for Jonghyun. She becomes natural in her smile when she sees him.


Carla immediately sits on the chair in a quiet classroom. She walks away from the crowd coz' she feels like she can't rest since people are staring at her or taking photos of her. She lightly gives a massage to her foot.

"Ouch..." She did not expect that they are going to have a long parade. She envies the other muses for wearing flat rubber shoes, but the sacrifices are all worthy though coz' she won as the best muse.

Carla immediately looks at the person putting a denim jacket on her shoulders. "Oppa..."

Jonghyun smiles at her. He kneels while looking at her feet. "Aishh... You should have not worn this. Can you walk?" Jonghyun looks at her with worries.

Seeing him like this makes her want to shed a tear. "Gomawo oppa."

Jonghyun holds her hands. "You're welcome. Chuckahae. I'm proud of you." He covers her properly with the jacket. "Boys are having a feast just watching you." He explains.

She frowns. "Hmmph. Not true."

"Ya, it's true. Kaja, before anyone will try to harass you." Jonghyun winks at her.

She shakes her head. "Let me stay here for a while oppa. I think I can't walk using these shoes."

Jonghyun nods. "Wait here ne? I'll get you comfortable slippers." Jonghyun kisses her forehead before he fully gets up.

Carla smiles warmly at him. She looks at him walking away.


Carla's hair on the nape stands as she hears it. She jerks when she sees Claudette's face so near her face.

Unrequited Love of 1870's Diary {SHINee Jonghyun}Where stories live. Discover now