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Carla's P.O.V.

Carla widely opens her eyes as she releases a deep breath. She can see her mother, father and Jonghyun looking at her with worries.

"Eomonie, ahbuji, oppa." She cries as she hugs them. "I'm—I'm scared. Claudette... Claudette." She stares at her parents. "So—Sorry eomonie, ahbuji... I—I went to the attic. I—I think I'm... I'm cursed." She sobs as remembers what Claudette told her.

At the last minute before she wakes up, she heard Claudette telling her that she can't escape the curse no matter what will happen. She also remembers her telling that it will happen soon... The curse will be fulfilled so soon. She tells her parents about everything, from the first time she went to the attic.

"But—But how? I locked it! I never opened its door."

"Huh? Chincha eomonie? But... But I thought you forgot to lock it eomonie."

She sees her mother shaking her head. "Aniyo."

"Omo... Don't tell me it's—it's Claudette's—" She shivers at the thought. Jonghyun holds her hand as he sees her trembling.

"Where's the diary now Carla? It should be kept away from you." Jonghyun stares at her with worries.

She looks around. She remembers throwing the diary on a corner. She can't find it. "I—Molla, molla oppa, I—I threw it at the corner—how come it's not here in my room?"

"Maybe you forgot that you put it in another place?"

"Aniyo oppa. I've always experienced this situation. Claudette must have hidden it again oppa." Her shoulders start to rise and fall down again.

Jonghyun and her parents keep on calming her. She is really afraid that Claudette will come back.

"Eomonie? Is it true that Claudette Alienor is my great great great grandmother's sister? Noemie Angelique is my great great great grandmother's name right? She's a French, I mean they are French which happens to be your and my ancestors. And... And about ahbuji being impotent, it's because of the curse right?"

"I guess there is no need for us to hide it to you dear." Her mother looks at Jonghyun. "Will you be okay listening to the dark story of our family?"

Jonghyun nods. "I'm fine with it imo." He smiles to her. Carla holds his hand.

"Arasseo. Noemie Angelique is your greatest grandmother dear while Francois is your greatest grandfather. They are famous lovers during 1870 because of the perfectness that they portrayed as a couple. Everyone expected them to end up together. Claudette, she is a daughter from Noemie's mother's mistake. So as expected, she does not receive much love from Noemie's father which happens to be the legal husband of Noemie's mother. Expect also that she receives a lot of shameful things from both her parents, but Noemie... Despite of this, they've become close. Way back when Francois is still courting Noemie, Noemie keeps on sharing everything to Claudette until one day, Claudette meets Francois and falls for him. Since Noemie keeps on tagging her when she goes out, she always sees Francois and gets the chance to catch his attention one day. Prior to Noemie's knowledge, Francois is smitten by Claudette's scheming tactics, but never has loved her. For him, it was just a short affair. For him, she is just like those girls who chased after him. Until one day, something happened between him and Claudette which later results into her pregnancy. But before Claudette knows about it, Francois immediately proposed to Noemie since Noemie is his real love. Noemie said yes since she has no idea what is going on between her sister and fiancée. Noemie's parents have known Claudette's pregnancy first. They decided to keep it from Noemie since they know that Noemie will cancel the wedding which at that time is already known to the family's relatives and friends. Her father does not like it to happen, most especially to undergo embarrassment since he was planning at that time that he will run as a mayor. So the family decided to deceive Claudette just to get rid of her child. They asked an abortionist at that time to get rid of the baby. Claudette was planning to tell Francois about it when her mother called her and asked her to do some stuffs. She does not know that it is the last day of her baby. Since that day on, Claudette keeps on telling others about what happened, but no one believes her. They thought she is getting crazy. Her parents decided to exile her which becomes more favorable to her to ask help from black magic. I guess the curse started from there. Her anger, her loss, her grudges push her to let Noemie and Francois' family to suffer little by little up until the reincarnation of Noemie on the 15th generation of her family. You're the 15th generation of this family dear. She stated on her diary that the fulfillment of her curse will be on the 15th generation since the black magician that she went predicted that you are the reincarnation of Noemie. She hated Noemie so much so she waited for this time to come. For Claudette, Noemie should have stopped the wedding and let her and Francois end together. For her, it is Noemie's fault that she lost her baby and that Francois does not love her. For her, Noemie is the reason for her unrequited love. Noemie and her family found out about the diary shortly after Claudette's death. She killed herself after casting a curse." Her mother holds her arm while brushing her hair. "Carla, that is why your halmeoni is very certain in reminding us not to let you go in the attic for a hope that you might avoid the curse. We are very afraid that Claudette will do something harmful to you... And worst, ends our clan to you."

Unrequited Love of 1870's Diary {SHINee Jonghyun}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz