The Distance

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Do you hear it?... It is calling for me. 

Demanding my attention and my every thought. I hear it through the sound of the busy street outside and the lawn mower next door. I hear it calling me. Beckoning me to it. I look out at the empty parking lot below the hotel window as if it were out there. Still it calls. 

Though it has no voice, it is silent, and can't be seen.

Deep within me I feel a pull. My heart and soul are searching for it. Desperately looking for something to latch on to. Like trying to hold a wet bar of soap, I am unable to clasp it in my hands. The disappointment aches my very core. My heart keeps searching for the call. 

How do I cope with this? 

This unquenchable thirst that is compelling me to reach out for you. I am reminded as I look at your picture of your gentle eyes and ache to be near you once more. The clock on the bed table beside me ticks away the seconds and I wonder how much longer I will have to wait. How much longer will I hear this echoing call and be unable to answer it? 


Hello my dear, 

Missing you a lot these past few days. It's been a long time since we have been apart like this. It reminds me of the beginning of our relationship. It reminds me how much I desperately wanted to be around you all the time, and still do. I am reminded of the creative ways we use to find to feel connected to one another even when we were thousands of miles apart. Though we aren't that far apart now, and it isn't for that long it still has me thinking. It has given me time to reflect and remember how much I love you. You have brought so much love, joy, and fun into my life. Just a moment without you feels dull and grey. 

Love you forever (4 EVER), 


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