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Every road leads to somewhere else, somewhere new. Every choice we make opens a door. A door we never knew was there before. Giving us a new path which we may not have expected to stumble upon. Feeling as though were are floating adrift through life we turn every corner with a calculated sense of of confidence only to find another new door  with new choices and decisions to to be made. 

Some believe that our choices are not our own. Every move we make has been laid out for us in some predetermined plan. With no control over what happens or how it happens we are destined to follow this one path to our fated ending. 

One thing we all can agree on is that every choice we make has some kind of connecting consequence. Be it good or bad every action has a reaction. 

The decision to reach out and step out is a big one. A choice that is not always easy to make, but once it was made the door opened and a new path revealed itself. Though the path wound and twisted into circles with each step we took we found ourselves moving closer together. Until our paths merged and we stood side by side. 

It all may have been part of some grand plan or perhaps it was just a coincidence that we both opened the same door, but either way before us now is one path which we are walking down together. 

Pieces of HimWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt