The Bridge (It Only Takes A Moment)

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It Only Takes A Moment- From the musical Hello Dolly

When a minute is still too long... A year ago I would not have expected to be here right now. Here admiring the gorgeous ring on my finger. With the famous tune from the musical, Hello Dolly. I find myself glancing down at it and recalling the moment he slipped it on my trembling finger. Caught by surprise, and overwhelmed by love and devotion. I was left speechless. Having dreamed about this moment so many times before I felt as though I should have known how react or at least what to say. Still that was not the case. Suddenly embarrassed by the rushing flood of emotions I buried my face in his chest. Softly he stroked my arm, whispering to me. In that moment I knew I would never be happier.

Nothing could ever be so perfect, and so right. He held me in that moment and nothing else in the world mattered. The people passing by behind us were faded shadows. The music fell to a faint hum as I focused on the steady beating of his heart. I wanted to remark on the bliss that sweet sound brought me but the words were all tangled about in my head. For fear of erupting I kept my mouth shut and my thoughts to myself. Only able to shake my head, he knew as always what I wanted and needed to say. It did not mattered that I couldn't say it. He kissed me sweetly offering reassurance as the tears welled up. My mind raced imagining various points in tome over the past three years. I realized then that I had been waiting for this moment since we first started talking. I just did not know it. Unable to breathe I melted farther into him. I could not even meet his gaze I was so overwhelmed. I recalled the feeling that took me from our very first conversation. From that moment my life changed forever. Ever other moment had led up to this day. This moment was what it all had been for. Now staring down at the ring I dream of the moments we have yet to share. The moments we eagerly await.  

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