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Sitting in the corner she listens to the rain as it pelted the windows. Without any sign of stopping the dark clouds gather.  Sitting in the opposite corner he presses his hand against the walls which shake with every rumble of thunder. Suddenly a quick flash of light causing their hearts to begin racing. All around them things seemed to be spinning out of control. Every where they turned were dark looming shadows. A new threat bringing new fear. The storm ranged on and there was nothing they could do to stop it. 

Feeling trapped they both sunk farther into their corners. The world around them fell apart. Debris floated through the air, as the ground flooded and the siding was ripped off of the house. The wind howled as the storm worsened. One flash of lighting after another caused them to shrink away from the rattling windows. 

Now sitting side by side along the back wall they quivered as the storm reached it's height. After another flash of light they both jumped back. Their hands brushed and for the first time they looked at one another. Once again the world began to shake, but with their eyes locked on each other they found peace. 

Reaching out to one another they took hands. Ready for whatever may come for them they sat together in them mist of the storm. Don't let go they both thought.

Suddenly the violent shaking came to a stop. The wind calmed and now they could hear the sound of their own breathing. Trickling to a slow drizzle the rain slowed. They each looked around to see the after math of the storm, and as they stepped outside they found that the sun had broke through the heavy clouds. Washed away were all the troubled that had once been flying around. Washed clean the world around them was bright and new. 

Still standing together they looked at the clean slate before them and knew that they had made it through the storm. With one another they could make it through all that life had to offer. Rather than giving up and giving into the raging storm they held on strong and came out on the other side. 

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