Racing By

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Always moving forward. It was not until now, in this moment that I truly feel as though I was moving towards something with meaning. This matters, you matter. Everything else in my life has been wonderful. I have had fantastic experiences and I have beautiful memories, and worked for the things I have. Though none of that compares to what has yet to come. None of that means what you mean to me. The plane takes off and my heart begins to race. Like a magnet being pulled closer to you. I will the plane to move faster. The clouds pass by down below and the anticipation climbs within me. 

As it builds so does the hint of fear. Fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of rejection. The thoughts trickled in. Their power normally crippling and binding, now held nothing. Just as quickly as the thoughts entered my mind they flew right back out. 

Away from you it was clear something was missing and something was wrong. Each mile passes by and I know this is the path I was meant to be on. Everything else in my life led up to this. All of the pieces are fallen into place. They fit and I find myself wondering how I could have ever lived my life without you. How I did not notice the pieces were all shifted and turned in the wrong direction. 

The clouds raced by marking the way closer to you. Closer to me and closer to us. 

Pieces of HimWhere stories live. Discover now