In The Morning

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The soft light breaks through the curtains, and the room is filled with the hazy light. Her eyes fluttered open causing her to blink several times as her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit space. Slowly she looked around the unfamiliar room. Her sights jumping from the television to the bookshelf. Eventually her gaze fell on the face of the man laying asleep beside her. A wave of love, security and pure bliss washed over her. She smiled to herself then curled up closer to him. Completely comfortable in this new place. With him she felt at ease and at home anywhere. 

The fan overhead spun rapidly in a rhythmic motion sending burst of cool air towards the couple. Goosebumps raced down her spine. With a chill she crawled even closer to him. Soaking up as much warmth from him as she could. Though he was still asleep he felt her press up against him, so he turned toward her and wrapped his arm around her. Beside him, she smiled as he pulled her in. Together they laid there as she drifted back to sleep. Several minutes passed before the cold air managed to break it's way through the warm shield he had created for her. 

When the cold air became too much, she reluctantly slipped out of his embrace and climbed down from the bed. She looked around the space for her t-shirt and jeans while periodically glancing over her shoulder to be sure she was not disturbing him. After looking all around she decided her clothes were no where to be found. So she picked up his shirt and pulled it over her head. Not sure she would be able to climb into the bed again without waking him, she tip-toed into the kitchen and searched for a way to boil some water. She found a mug and some tea in the cabinet. On the counter across from the simmering pot of water she noticed his art supplies scattered about. She wondered what he might have been using them for. She wondered what kind of project he was working on now. Curiously she looked around for the unfinished piece. Thoughts of his latest creation pushed her to search the space. As she did the water came to a boil. The bubbling sound brought her to a halt, and suddenly she feared what he might think if she found her snooping around. Not wanting to invade his personal space or intrude on his process she stopped searching for the piece. Hoping that when it was complete or when he was ready he would want to show her. 

Quickly she turned off the and finished making the tea. As she lifted the steaming mug off of the counter she heard him stir in the bed. He kicked away the sheet from around his feet and tossed on to his side. She giggled as she listened to him grunt and try to get comfortable again. Quietly she carried her tea over to the window. It was there that she found her long grey sweater draped over a stool in the corner nearby. She pulled the sweater over her shoulders and his shirt then turned her attention to the window. She watched the trees dance in the breeze along the street. 

"You wear my shirt well." His deep, rough, and still sleepy voice whispered in her ear as he gently wrapped one arm around her waist and softly caressed her shoulder with his other hand. 

His loving touch sent a shock wave through her. After placing her tea down so she wouldn't spill it on him, she felt his fingers trace their way down her arm. She waited until his hand met hers then she let her hand slip into his. Their fingers intertwined and locked together. Then he raised their clasped hands to his lips and kissed her hand sweetly.  The feel of his soft lips made her feel like her stomach was erupting. An explosion of butterflies fluttered around within her. When she could not contain it any longer she slowly turned around to face him, and without missing a beat he pulled her against him. His arm sat comfortably still at her waist while he waited for to meet his gaze. When she did he smirked, as if he could read her thoughts. 

She stood there biting her lip trying to bite back her smile, but it was no use. With him her smile always found it's way out. It was natural and easy. The pair of them giggled, and she felt completely alive. Her guard down and her walls demolished The feeling in the pit of her stomach raced through her whole body now like an electrical current. Tingling from the tips of her fingers down to her toes. 

With her eyes locked on his, she felt safe and protected. Looking in his eyes she knew she was where she belonged. She breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Slowly he nodded, and once again they did not need any words. He could read her thoughts. He leaned in towards her so that their foreheads came together. Feeling his warm breath on her cheek made her want to close her eyes and melt into him. So as the sunlight illuminated the space around them she let her eyelids shut, and just basked in the tenderness of the moment. 

Lightly she traced her fingers across his bare chest while still keeping her other hand clasped with his. The memories from the night before came flooding back causing her legs to tremble beneath her. Her body ached as the images flashed through her mind. She realized he must have been having the same thoughts when she heard him moan softly. 

Suddenly his hand shot up from around her waist and grabbed her's stopping her from letting her finger tips dance across his chest. At his touch she opened her eyes and looked at him again. He lightly squeezed her fingers while keeping her hand pressed against his chest. 

They both stared at one another as the feelings from the night before consumed them once more. Feeling as though she was about to burst she untangled her hand from his and raised it so she could touch his cheek, but as her finger tips grazed the stubble on his jaw he pulled her up on her toes. He bent down until his lips collided with hers. Both of them closed their eyes once more. She was hungry for the taste of him as she tried to lean farther into him. Under his grip, her hand still on his chest now curled into a clenched fist. As he held her close he could almost feel her heart pounding against his own chest. each of them desperately pulling, searching, and begging for more of the other. 

With his free hand he explored the small of her back. He liked the way her long hair felt as it brushed along his hand. Moving his hand back and forth from her lower back to her waist he felt the coarse fabric of his shirt on her bunching up. His fingers found their way under the fabric so that all he could feel was her soft skin. At his touch, she moved her own hand to the back of his head. Burring her fingers in his hair as she attempted to pull him even closer to her. 

Pressed up against each other there was not an inch of space to be found between the couple, and still they felt liked they needed to be closer. They felt like they needed more. With passion and heat rising up within them, he let both of his hands drop back to her waist. For a split second she feared he might pull away. Then she felt the muscles in his arm tighten and tense just before he lifted her off of the ground. While still kissing her, he held her in the air allowing her to wrap herself around him like a sheet. She folded her arms around his neck so that she could comb her fingers through his hair as he held her. Then she let herself fall further into him as she tied her legs around his waist. 

Not wanting to be parted from her, he continued to passionately kiss every part of her he could reach. Then he carried her back to the bed where together they fell into a pile of blankets and pillows. Completely entangled and utterly lost in each other is how they remained. 

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