Rose on The Grey

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Grey, drab, emotionless was the world that surrounded him. The color, vibrant feelings, and overwhelming senses have drained from the world. There was nothing to live for.

 Until one day he found it, a small petal fluttering down to the wet pavement. He watched as it's pulsing hue of red fell from the ground and tumbled down towards him. Curiously he looked down at the new strange thing before him. So fragile, yet it's shocking color gave it the appearance of strength. He knelt down to pick up the small petal. Holding it carefully in his palm he told himself he would never let go this rare beauty. As he closed his hand around the red petal something brushed against his shoulder. Resting squarely on his jacket collar was a second red petal, just as brightly colored and as vibrant as the first. Quickly he snatched the petal up in his hand. As he did another petal fell before him. Confused he looked around. The world around him carried on as normal. The grey empty street remained dull and lifeless. 

Curiously he looked to the sky but still could not tell where the petals were coming from. They just kept falling, and as they did they made a path before him. One by one he picked up the petals and followed the path. When the petals finally stopped falling he found himself before an odd stairwell. Over grown shrubs and moss covered the stone steps. The stairwell had long been forgotten, for anyone else would have walked right pass them without ever glancing up. 

As he stood before the stairs he heard something. Something like a voice, a whisper calling to him. Caught in the breeze the sound traveled about. The sound was hushed and barely recognizable. So with a careful step forward he climbed the damp stairs. Focusing immensely on the sound that called to him.  

He climbed higher and higher, the air around him became thin, and he could no longer see the street below him. It took more energy for him to lift his foot as he climbed higher. Though he never thought of turning back around. In his hand he held the passionate red petals and continued on. 

It was then that he noticed something almost plastered to the stone siding of the stairs. Just like the rose petals it looked strange and new. It possessed a coloring he had never seen before. Slowly he reached out to pick it up. A long satin ribbon clung to the wet pavement. Softly he ran his fingers across the strange coloring. He wondered what these things were and why they looked so strange. He picked up the orange ribbon and tied it around his wrist. As he did he heard it again. The voice calling to him. He looked ahead but only saw more stairs to be climbed. He continued to climb until he reached the top of the stairs. 

There he was shocked to find a world drenched in the same color as the rose petals. Everywhere he looked he saw flowers bursting with the brightest shades of red. A world of red flowers and leaves all popping out against the dull gray background. He followed the line of eye catching shrubs to a brick path, and slowly he walked down the burnt looking pathway. Taking in all the new breathtaking sights around him, He only stopped when he stood before an arched canopy decorated in the deepest red roses. Again he felt it, something calling to him from the other side of the rose canopy. More curious now he walked through the covered garden and discovered strands of the same orange ribbon that had been on the stairs. One by one he plucked the strands from around the thorny stems of the roses. 

Then after breaking through the other side of the rose tunnel, he came to stop. Before him stood a proud lion. A lion with fur so thick and shinny, however that was not what caught the man's attention. Instead the golden hue of the lion's fur is what left the man in shock. He held the ribbons out and found that they were almost the same shade. 

Across from him the lion moved closer, and cautiously the man held out his hand toward the lion. Then like a tame house cat, the great animal purred as it rubbed it's head against the man's hand. The lion clearly trusted him. He began to wonder if it had been the lion who called him to this place. Though just as he had the thought, the lion looked up at him and shook his massive head. Gently the lion nudged him and signaled for him to follow. 

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