Part III Introduction

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Dear Tristan, 

Welcome back! ;)  Here is the third installment of your story. Another collection of pieces that represent all that you are. All that you have to share with the world and all that I love about you. 

Looking back at the first installment it is clear a lot has changed. Over the course of these several months we have shared so much and grown together. It has been the most amazing time of my life. I am truly honored to know you, Tristan. Truly inspired by your thoughts, feelings and dreams.  Many times before I have told you how much I love just sitting back listening to you, and it honestly does not matter what you are talking about.  It is incredible just to be able to witness and even be apart of your world. With each of these short stories, poems, blurbs or whatever you want to call them I try to capture what that experience is like. To watch you go out into the world and brighten it with your creative spirit, kind heart, and warm soul. It is an absolutely breathtaking sight that I will never truly be able to put into words. However through these writings I hope to share with you all of the ways in which you shine. 

After you read the first installment you told me that you liked how the pieces also touched on our relationship. That was before our relationship even began (technically... I know we both feel as though our relationship started long ago). So in the second installment I focused a lot on you and I. On the way your light helped to guide me. All of that remains true for this installment as well. With these pieces I wanted to share with you some of my own thoughts and feelings. My feelings for you. My thoughts on us. I always want you to know where I stand.... which is at your side (on page 50).

I hope that these pieces can reflect how much you mean to me. Hopefully they will show you the ways in which you have shown me and taught me what it is to be in love. To have found true love. The most exquisite gift I ever could want.  Everyday I fall more and more in love with you, Tristan. Everyday I learn more about who you are, what you think and feel, as well as your dreams for the future. Everyday I am happy and it is because of you. There has never been a single moment in the past three years where I have been unsure of what an incredible person you are. There has never been a single moment where I have been unsure of what our future holds. 

Our future is bright. I know this to be true. How do I know? Pick a response: There are just some things a girl knows. OR... Uh, I'll have to get back to you on that one. :) In all seriousNESS we both know that we have big secrets, or rather big plans. Our future grows brighter with each secret we (FINALLY) reveal to one another (yes I will reveal some in this installment).  I will continue to add on to this collection as our story plays out. I really hope you are still enjoying this collection and I hope it means as much to you for us to share in this writing as it does to me. 

As you may have figured out I am not one who goes crazy for traditional relationship expectations. Meaning I don't feel the need to freak out over our 1 week anniversary. I know you do not feel the need to go crazy either, and I believe we  feel this way because in our relationship we take the time to celebrate being together everyday. So we don't need to formally announce things like our anniversary (although I am totally going to rub it in my friends faces that we have a week long anniversary). However, I did want to acknowledge this anniversary.  In six months we have shared so much. You have made my heart sore. I wanted to do something special to thank you. 

I love you more than the brightest sun and all the stars in the sky, Tristan!

Yours always and forever, 

Jessica ..... (Insert preferred last name here). Hehehe just teasing you! 

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