The Tied

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  Unwillingly being dragged apart, the ocean waves are ripped from the shore. Repeatedly being brought together only to be forced apart once more. As the tied pulls back there are still traces of sea foam left, as if it were the ocean's last feeble attempt to hold on to it's beloved shore. Soon though that too is dissolved. And the sands of the shore are left bare under the unforgiving sun. Left alone to dry. 

 The torturous motion of slowly being torn apart makes the heart heavy. Feelings of dread, fear, loss and helplessness seep in.

 It happens so slowly that at first it is unnoticeable. A thin layer of water still caresses the shore as the rest of the tide is drawn back. Though it is evident something has changed. Then painfully it is clear what is happening. Like a shallow descent the thin layer of water drifts farther away from the shoreline.

 Unable to stop it, the shore remains fixed. Wondering if the ocean's waves even realize there are gliding closer to the vast horizon. Desperate to stop what is happening grains of sand tumble along with the current. Eagerly being pulled into the waves. Only to find that it too late. They have been separated from the shore.

 Unwillingly being dragged apart, the ocean waves are ripped from the shore. Repeatedly being brought together only to be forced apart once more. It becomes easy to fear that the two many never be reunited once the tide has drifted so far away.  

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