Chapter 3

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~ Sophia's POV ~

When we got to the studio everyone's vehicles were there. Our dance group consists of Lilly, Mackenzie, Cody, Noah, Derek & me. We named our dance team "Gettin' Over".

I grabbed my bag and was about to hop out of the jeep when Jeydon grabbed my hand, stopping me. "Hey, be safe and if you don't get a ride from one of the crew then call me. I don't want you to walk home alone because I hear there's a bad neighborhood between here and our houses." he said letting go. I nodded

"Okay. Today Lilly & Mackenzie are going to Washington after rehearsals so I'll either get a ride from Cody or Noah. But if they don't give me a ride home, then I'll call you up." I said smiling. He smiled back as I hoped out of the jeep and headed over to the door.

When I walked in and shut the door someone jumped on my back.

"Rawr!!" It was Noah. He's one of the jokesters in the crew.

"Well hello to you too, Noah! Are you having fun" I asked giggling. "Yes, now andelay andelay!" he chuckled.

I walked into the empty dance room with Noah on my back. I find it sad how he's a year older than me and he's the one getting a piggyback ride from me.

I tossed my duffle bag to the side as I walked farther into the room. "Where is everyone?" I asked looking at Noah through the mirror. He was smiling at his phone.

"They went to get ice cream, and they're bringing back a chocolate chip for you. Now smile, if this picture turns out good I'm gonna use it as my screensaver." he said chuckling. I looked up at him smiling then changed my gaze to the mirror. He lifted up his phone as he smiled.

"3... 2... 1!" he counted down then took the photo. He looked at his phone and gave a thumbs up. "Great!" Dang my arms are weak, he's starting to get heavy.

"Noah can I set you down? My arms are weakening. " I wined. He looked at me through the mirror as he stuck is tongue out.

"Not yet let take another picture." he said smiling.

"I get a piggyback ride in this one then." I said setting him down laughing. He brought up his snapchat as I hopped on his back.

"Silly faces!" he said holding out his phone to take the photo.

"3....2....1!" he said as he took the photo. It turned out really good. He put, 'Partying without you' as the caption. Noah sent it to a few friends and also put it on his story. He put his phone in his pocket and started spinning around in circles.

"Oh my gosh Noah stop your gonna drop me!" I squealed as I held onto him tighter. "Nope!" he popped the p and chuckled as he spun faster.

"Omg Noah this isn't funny!" I squealed. "Yeah it is. Plus your giggling so you find it amusing." he said.

"Stop spinning and put me down." I squealed loudly. "I'll put you done if you say I'm a sexy beast!" he laughed.

"I'm not saying that!" I yelled. Noah stopped spinning and sat me down. Before I could run off he spun around and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he hung onto my thighs as his tipped me upside down.

"Say it, if you don't I'll start spinning." he laughed out.

"Never!" I hollered. He began to spin around. Crap he's gonna drop me.

"Fine, fine, fine. Noah is a Sexy Beast!" I said. He flipped me back up so now I was facing him.

"Finally! I was getting dizzy." Noah said setting me down. He sat down on the ground and I tackled him.

"Man down!" I yelled in a british voice. At that moment the rest of the crew walked in. I was still on Noah's chest holding down his hands.

"Are you guess having war again?" Derek asked trying to hold back a laugh.

"Derek your lucky I have nothing in my hand to throw at you." I said smiling at him.

"Well you do have Noah's hand but you can't throw it." Mackenzie said giggling.

"Haha you guys are very funny. So I heard you guys decided to grab ice cream!" I said smiling as I let go of Noah's wrists and sat up.

"Yeah but the ice cream place turns out to be closed. They're remodeling sadly. So we basically walked those four blocks for no reason." Lilly said sitting down beside me and Noah.

"Hey at least you got your exercise in today," I said grinning. She pushed me nearly making me lose my balance which made Noah snicker underneath me.

"It's not funny," I said smiling as I hit Noah in the chest.

"Ok so who's ready to rehearse?" Cody said walking over to the speakers with his phone. I got off Noah and stood up with Lilly as we all got into our places. Derek ran over and sat up his phone to record the dance.

"5..6..7..8!" Cody said as him and Derek jogging over to their spots. The mashup for the dance started playing. I stood in the middle of Lilly and Mackenzie while Noah stood in the middle of Derek and Cody. Us girls stood across from the guys as we slowly walked closer to each other. Noah turned his head to say something to Cody as we all stopped walking.

"You guys are going down!" Mackenzie said toward the guys. "Ah, nah you got it all wrong you girls are going down." Derek said as he messed with his snapback.

"Bring it!" Lilly said pulling a little on her crop top.

The boys started doing their own moves to the music. When they stopped me and Lilly shout, "Is that all you got?"

The guys shrugged their shoulders as they backed away giving us room to show our moves.

We danced our moves to the beat. Half way through the guys joined in and started dance as we did.

Our dances collided and we started doing the dougie, cat dad and jerk as the song came to an end.

"That was good. Lets watch the video now!" Derek said running over to him phone. Mackenzie handed him her laptop and he hooked it up and brought up the video.

"Dang I think we're ready to perform live!" Cody said after the video ended. The dance looked AMAZING. All thanks to different dances we mashed up.


After we did the dance again everyone started packing up. Lilly and Mackenzie were the first to get out.

"Hey Noah do you think you could give me a ride home?" I asked jumping on his back after the boys left.

"Sure, let me lock up and we can go." he said digging out his keys. I hopped down from his back and grabbed my bag as I headed for his truck.

After Noah got done locking up he hopped in the truck and pulled out of the old parking lot.

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