Chapter 24

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~ Jason's POV ~
I heard music playing in the living room as I looked into the room I see Sophia and Griffen having a good time as they danced. It made me realize that she was amazing at dancing. As I watched from around the corner I noticed that the distance was less than earlier. I thought it was just a coincidence...

Until I seen Sophia turn around and grind her a** up against Griffen. That's when I lost it.

I knew going after him and beating him up would make Sophia hate me even more. So I did the only other thing I could think of.

Leave the warehouse.

She seemed pretty happy with Griffen now since you know she did grind against him. And I know 100% sure she turned him on because if that were me. Ha I'd be.

I grabbed the keys to the gator and headed out the door. Maybe if I go swim I'll cool off. Who cares that its fall? OH yeah! Nobody because they're to busy having fun without me.


~ Sophia's POV ~

I pulled a chair up infront of her as I sat in it backwards.

"Hi Payley."

"Um Hi?... Who are you?"

"I'm Sophia." I smiled.

"Ohh. So you're miss wonderful" she kinda sounds annoyed but also emotionless.

"Actually not even close." I said thinking of all the flaws.

"Wow! Jason McCann's girlfriend isn't perfect?! Ooooooa you're not gonna be here much longer. Last girl he beat her up to were she couldn't be recognized."

"How long ago was that?" I asked ignoring her label of me being the 'girlfriend'

"Ha last year some time. She was the one who was 'you'." What she said made me think of what happened a while ago.

"Wait! What? Was her name Ella?"

"Ooa look at you. Getting all the answers right. Looks like he does tell you his kills."

"Actually. No he doesn't. I found out by him being too drunk and thinking I was her."

"So that probably means he never said who she really was then?"

"Nope. Never heard of her til he nearly ended my life again."

"Well you've come to the right place. Ella... was my sister!"

Everything makes since now. When he said she had a sister. "Wait so were Ella and Jason ever in a relationship?"

"Yeah at one time. Then Jason broke up with her not long before he kidnapped you. And last I ever heard from her was the night she told me Jason called about the whole "trick the cops to get the money and keep Sophia" idea. I told her not to go, cause it seemed way to fishy. He had been ignoring her for the past 4 months. Then all of a sudden wanted her help." She glared at the thought.

"Wait why did your sister help?"

"Jason supposedly said he'd 'give her a bit of the money' if she helped. For a while I believed that she just got caught by the cops. But thats when I noticed they would have said they caught someone and had her in custody."

I looked at her as I took all of it in. Putting myself in her shoes and realize I felt the same as her when the first year of us not finding Ryder.

"Sooo.. You never met her hu?" Payley said ending the awkward silence.

"Nope. I never heard her name until Jason said it a while ago." I stared at something on the wall.

"Sounds like Asher was right." She kinda smiled. I could tell she was holding back tears from talking about her deceased sister.

"What do you mean?" I looked back at her a bit confused.

"Ha he said you were nothing like Jason last thing he remembered."

"Wait what are you talking about?!"

"Asher said he knew you way back when you were little. You guys use to go to the same school for a few years but he was in an upper grade."

"Huh. Never remembered him I guess. But the thing is.. When I met Jason he was a royal a**." We chucked at my comment.

"Does he know you're in here." She asked.

"No I got him to leave the house and snuck in her with the help of Griffen here. I felt like I should be aloud to talk to you since Im basically a prisoner again. Prisoners should be able to talk to other prisoners, am i right?!"

"Haha yeah!! He has his friends why cant we?"

"Exactly!" I smiled at her then looked to Griffen. He seemed to be in a big thought.

"You know, you're a lot nicer then the girls from the gang. Do you ever have those people who hate on you just cause you're with someone upper class from you."

"OMG Yess!!! Back in the summer before Freshman year I started dating a guy going into the Sophomore class. I got a bunch of hate from most of the other cheerleaders."

"Hey Soph, I just got a text from Beck! He said Jason just started pulling up." Griffen said.

"Okay, hey Payley I'll find a way back in here. Also please watch what you say to Jason it inflicts how bad he hurts you. Stay safe." I said as Griffen grabbed my hand before dragging me out. We ran/jogged to the couch and flopped down on it and turned the tv back on just as we heard a door open.


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Published: October 6, 2015

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