Chapter 16

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~ Sophia's POV ~
"Who was Danny talking about? He said something about loosing a sibling." Alex asked as I sat my empty plate on the coffee table.

"5 years ago when he was 15 he went missing. My brothers and I were waiting in the car while our Mom went into the bank. Ryder thought she was taking a long time so he jumped out of the car and told us he'd be right back." I said pulling my knees up to my chest. "Our Mom returned to the car but Ryder never did. We looked all over inside the bank but never found him. My Dad had to come back the next day with a warranty to look at the security cameras. The weird thing was is you seen him walk into the bank but you never seen him come through the front door on the inside camera."

"Wait so have you guys heard from him since?" Alex asked. You could tell he was think of possibilities.

"No... But last year on his disappearance anniversary, which was after I got back, I got a stuffed animal. I walked into my room one night to find it on my bed. The weird part was it smelled like him."

"That is suspicious."

"You wanna know the scary part?" Alex nodded his head. "There was an envelope beside it. Inside was a photo of Ryder and me plus a note that said 'He Missed You' " I said as a tear ran down my cheek.

"Did you ever tell anyone?" Alex asked looking kinda worried

"No. I was gonna tell my parents but they seemed to be getting along since the divorce."

"Did Jason know about him? About Ryder."

"No. I haven't talked to anyone about it since when he went missing." I said looking down. I felt Alex's arms wrap around me pulling me into a hug.

"You know when you were with your friends? I could tell even when you smiled you were hiding pain. I can see it right now. I may not have known you for to long but I know that about you. And you wanna know what else?"

"Hmmm?" I mumbled into his chest.

"Crying doesn't mean you're weak. It means you've been strong for too long."

That's when I let it all out. Those last few words were what got to me. I could hear Alex whispering, "Shhh... It's okay." Off and on but I began to blank out. I thought back to when my brother was around. Man would he get along with Jason. He always liked fireworks. The way they'd blow up and light up the night sky. The thought of them two getting along is all I remembered before drifting off into sleep.


I woke up to a familiar surrounding. But why was I sitting at the bottom of the stairs at my house? My legs and arms to see cuts and scratches. I happened to look up at the top of the stairs to see a shadowed figure. I started to crawl back and as I did the shadow would take a step closer. This went on until I was up against the wall and they were at the bottom of the stairs.

"Aw is someone scared? You should be!" They growled. The voice was familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The person crouched down to look me in the eyes.

"So we can do this the easy way... or the hard way. Where is he?"

I was totally confused on who this guy meant.

"I don't know who you're talking about."

"Don't play dump with me missy. Where is he at?"

Who is this guy and who is he talking about?

"I don't know who 'he' is." I mumbled.

"Here let me narrow down all the guys you f*cked around with. Where is Jason?"

Jason! He's looking for Jason? & who are the guys I screwed with? I'm a virgin!

"Jason's in jail!" I yelled getting pissed off.

"Don't get lipy with me. Plus Jason escaped last week. Remember?"

I thought back to when I heard about Jason braking out. It was on the news when I first heard about it.

"In breaking news, Jason McCann, one of the most wanted criminals has escaped. He was taken into custody last year in late December after, Sophia Tatum got away from him. She was kidnapped in the fall a year before. If you see McCann please call the cops and don't follow or go near him. He is a danger."

Wait... WHAT?!?! And really my school photo out of all my good photos. Goshhh.

(End of Flashback)

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" The guy yelled in my face as he back handed me. Who is he?

Jason? No duh why would he be looking for himself.

"Where is McCann?"

Beckett? No way he wouldn't break into my house without back up.

"Answer meee!!!!!" He bellowed.

"I don't know! I haven't seen him since I escaped from him." I said annoyed.

There was no way it was my brother or any of my friends...

"Im giving you one last try!!" He yelled. "Where! Is! JASON?!?!?!?!"

That I know of I don't have any enemies that would want Jason... Wait! That's it. It's gotta be one of his enemies.

"I guess we're doing it the hard way." He said as he pulled out a revolver and some handcuffs. The guy opened up the ammo and put a single bullet in after putting the handcuffs on my wrists overly tight. He gave it a spin before clicking it into place. "You better hope faith is on your side." He held the gun up to my head.

It couldn't be Wade or Kannon... or anyone from their gang because they were all killed.

"Where is he Sophia?"

"I don't know, okay."

"Wrong answer!" He yelled pulling the trigger. Blank.

It's not anyone from Asher's gang obviously cause I recognize this guy.

"I'll giving you 1 more chance.. I don't care if the bullet is on the 6th slot. Tell me where he is." He said sternly.

"I told you a billion times, I do NOT know where Jason is! Ask someone else!"

"Okay, thats it!" He yelled. The guy picked me up and carried me into the bedroom and threw me across the room. I slammed into the dresser and the handles stabbed into my back. I seen the guy lock the door. He walked over to me to only pick me up again and threw me onto the bed which I bounced off of and onto the floor.

"Dang child why can't you just tell the truth. I already know you f*cked a criminal sweetheart. Why can't you just tell me." He said slamming me into the bed this time.

That when I knew who he was...

Who is it?!?!?!

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