Chapter 32

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~ Beckett's POV ~
"I'll call you when I meet up with the rest of the guys and tell you what they've found out." Griffen said giving me a bro hug. I shut the door behind him and walked into the kitchen to see 5 empty bottles of beer sitting of counter lined up beside Jason. I shook my head and walked into the living room. Both Drake and Sophia were pasted out on the couches. After Jason knocked out Drake we moved him over onto the other couch then cleaned up the little blood that he lost.

~ Sophia POV ~
I wake up to the sound of glass breking repetitively. When I rolled over I happened to roll off the bed. Opening my eyes I realized Im staring at the livingroom ceiling laying beside the couch. Not a bed in my room.

"JASON!!! WHAT THE H*** ARE YOU DOING?" I hear someone yell.

I sit up to look at where the noise is coming from and thats when the pain hit me. All the pain was on the inside. My temples, nose, legs and arms.

Finally getting enough energy in me I slowly stand up groaning in pain.

I hear loud thumping as I look over to see a figure thundering up the stairs. I mosey my way into the kitchen. I see someone standing by the counter.

"Hey Soph..." I could tell it was Beck by his voice tone. He sounded tired.

"Hi..." I mumbled. "Do we have any Tylenol?" My voice sounded a bit scratchy.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked coming closer to me which is when my vision started to slowly come back.

"Yeah.. My head, legs & arms ache. I feel like I've been drugged up for years with no food."

Beck gave me a small worried smile before finding some pain killers. While he did that I went to the fridge amd grabbed the milk and then some cereal out of the cabinet. I looked over at Beck when I realized he was looking at something behind me. I turned around to see Drake walking into the room.

"Drake what happened???! Are you okay????" I asked. He had cuts by his lip and a black eye.

"Just feel a little light headed. My arms and legs don't feel the best either." He groaned as he sat down beside me.

Beckett looked as us funny then went back to searching. Not too long later he came over to me and gave me some Tylenol.

"Thanks Beck!"

Then he handed a few to Drake. "Thanks" he mumbled.

"What did you guys do last night? Minus Drake's battle scars you both look like you were doped up or something."

I thought back to the night before.
"Well... we played xbox over in the other house for a while. I came over here for a bit cause I thought you were home. I turned all the lights off then went back to Drake's. Bout 5 minutes later maybe, the lights were back on and we both came over. Which is when I found the flowers that you got me. Then really after that was a blur. Must have been when i went and layed on the couch and fell asleep." I said. Beck's expression seemed to change.

"I didnt get you any flowers..."

I looked at him confused then to Drake.

"Drake? What do you remember from last night?" Beck asked now that he was involved.

"Same as Sophia... Besides I dont remember laying down.."

"Well I dont remember sitting on the couch. I just guessed I was too sleepy to know what I was doing at the time."

That's when it hit me. "Wait... I do remember falling asleep on the couch.. Drake was beside me.... and.... an... I blacked out." I finished looking over at Drake. I could tell he remembered something.

"You were gonna go change. When you stood up you acted like you were doped up... I laid you on the couch then went to go get ice when I fell... Last thing I remember was hitting the floor... My legs gave out. Tried getting up but my legs were like jello."

"What did you guys have last night? Any take out or just regular store food?!" Beck asked trying to figure stuff out.

"I didn't eat anything since you guys where here" I said. "I only had like 2 cans of Mt. Dew since... well i guess one was like half cause i drank some before I went to Drake's"

"Where did you leave it sitting?"

"I left it here on the counter when I left. When i came back to find you guys the first time i finished it off."

He looks at me and Drake with worry before jogging out of the room. We follow behind and find him upstairs in Jason's trashed room. In his bed sat him and some chick I've never seen before.

"Jason!!! Stop sucking face for like 3 seconds and answer my question. Did you lock the doors when you left last night?!"

"I don't f*cking know. I was more worried about my phone than the locks at the moment."

"We're doomed." Beck whispered as he turned around and started walking down the stairs. "Sophia, where did you put your can?"

"Well I left it on the counter I thought... but when Drake and I came in here in its place was the flowers."

"The flowers that are also no longer here." Beckett mumbled looking around.

"Lets search the house and see if there's anything out of place or not normal.." Beck said headed for the livingroom.

"I'll check upstairs." I said before listening to a response. Walking down the hall I notice Jason's door is open. The girl comes walking out and makes her way to the stairs. A few minutes later Jason walks out.

"Hey J, can I talk to you for a little bit?" I asked feeling a bit confused with a hint of jealousy.

He rolled his eyes and stepped back into his room. Taking that as a welcome in I follow.

"What do you need?" He sighs.

"When you got here was anything out of place or anything missing?" I asked looking around a bit.

"NoPe!" He said popping the p. "I was to busy seducing Sky" He said smirking.

I just nodded my head and left the room. Making my way to the front door to see if I seen any of the boys outside I happen to notice something at Derek's. Something reflecting through the window.

"Hey boys!?" I yell. No response. Guess it's just me... I make my way out the door and over to Derek's place. I used my key and walked in going to the living where the light was coming from.

In the living room on the coffee table next to the window sat a sequined vase with 2 black roses with a note resting against it.

"Two is better than one! Or that's what you always use to tell me"

Looking up from the note I see a reflection standing behind me.....

It's him!

Published: September 18, 2016

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