Chapter 15

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~ Alex's POV ~
As the credits scrolled I looked over to Sophia to see her sleeping. I turned the tv off and let my eyes adjust to the dark. When they did I walked down the hall and opened the door to the bedroom and made sure no one was in there. I pulled back the blankets before leaving the room.

When I got back into the living room I picked up Sophia and carried her into the bedroom. I laid her in the middle and moved one pillow under her head as I threw the other one on the floor. After pulled the cover up I walked over to the closet and grabbed a few blankets. I desided to sleep on the floor cause I didn't want to freak her out if she woke up and I was in the same bed.

When I had made a somewhat bed on the floor I layed down and covered up when I finally found a comfy spot. As I was about to drift off to sleep I heard something. Someone mumbling. I looked up to see Sophia's arm hanging over the bed as she looked at me.

"Jason?! Why are you sleeping on the floor?" She mumbled.

I couldn't tell if she was sleep talking to me or just hadn't quite woke back up.

"I... um... Didn't know if you wanted me in the same bed." I replied in a whisperish tone.

"You can. Now get up here silly." She said before she rolled over.

I got up from where I was and walked over to the other bed side with my pillow. I tossed it onto my spot and layed down on the bed facing the wall. I felt the bed move then an arm slithered under mine and wrapped around me as I felt a body brush up agaist my back.
As five o'clock rolled in I got up and showered before getting everything packed up into the truck. When I walked back into the house Griffen had his bag.

"Do we have everything J-Alex?" He asked as he walked toward the door. I narrowed my eyes before I answered "Yeah. I just have to get Sophia and we can head out." I walking back into the house. When I got to the bedroom I found Sophia in the same spot she was in when I got up. Her arm was layed acrossed where I once was. As I went to pick her up I noticed a she has tears by her eyes. I picked her up and sat her on my lap and layed her head against my chest. I rubbed her back as I hushed to her trying to get the tears to stop falling.

"Shhh. Sophia it's okay." I whispered to her.

"She crying in her sleep?" I looked up to see Danny in the doorway with his shirt off. He walked over to where I sat and took a seat beside me.

"Yeah. I got in here to take her to the truck and she had tears rolling down her face." I said looking at him. He seemed calm. "Does she do this a lot?"

"Not a lot but it's normal. She did that back when our brother disappeared. She actually stopped a year after it happened though. It's weird cause she's started doing it again lately but worse. We don't know why." He added fiddling with his hands.

"Is there a way to stop her from doing that. Like a way to calm her down?"

"We found out that waking her up works but she's moody. Other than that we haven't." He said. I looked down to Sophia to see no more tears. "I know we got off on the wrong track. I'm sorry about that but I'm just really protective of her. After everything that's happened it's hard to trust new people sometimes."

"Hey it's okay dude. I understand. I'm that way with my b-little brother." I said talking about Jason. I'd take a bullet for my brother.

Danny nodded his head then stood up, "You guys be safe too. I've heard of what cops have to deal with so I'm assuming it might be somewhat like the stuff you guys deal with." He said before walking out of the room.

I stood up and carried Sophia out of the house to the truck. I laid her down after I grabbed the blanket from one of the seat compartments and covered her with it then buckled her in. One belt aroubd her waist and the other around her feet. Weither or not the feet one will do much but oh well.

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