Chapter 27

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~ Sophias POV ~

"How have you been?" I asked taking a seat in the chair backwards.

"Fine I guess. Jason hasn't been so rude the past week. Not sure why but I'm glad."

Most of Payley's cuts were cleaned up and she was healing now. The newer ones weren't as bad nor bled as much.

"Has he been different outside of this room or is just being nicer to me?"

"No I kinda think it's cause I decided to let go of him nearly abusing me. Also I've been sleeping in the same room as him again. Griffen on the other hand isn't so happy about that but he still treats me the same."

"Oooo!!!! You sleep in the same room!!"

"Not like that you perv." We both laughed as I lightly hit her arm.

"How about him?" She said nodding over to Beckett.

"Beckett's been the nicest." I smiled when he looked over to me. "He was the first to be nice."

"So where is Jason? If he was letting you in here wouldn't he be the one in her supervising?"

"Him and Griffen went to get some take-out. Cause being here with only boxed and canned food gets blah tasting after a while."

"Oh.... So how have you been?"

"Well lately I've been pretty good since I got Jason to stop being quite so jealous.... But him and Griffen don't get along as well though. So since we wanted take out I told them both to go together because neither trusted the other if I were to stay here with one. Even if Beck was here too." I chuckled.

*Flashback from the past week (different days)*

"Oh oh oh OH!!! HA! Told you I'm queen at Mario Kart!!!" I laughed.

"Just cause you win a lot doesn't mean you're the best." Jason looked at me straight faced trying not to smile.

"Jay? I been beating you at this game for the past hour. I even beat Christian at this 3 times in a row. Like, have you seen him play? He's probably the 2nd best at this!!"

Jason didn't seem to like my comment because he hopped off the couch and tackled me to the floor.

"Yellow flag on the play!" Beck said loudly as he walked into the room make me laugh.


"So Soph. I've heard you can dance?" Jay said as he stood in my view of the tv. At the moment I was watching Step Up. Making me guess that's how he thought of the subject.

"So what if I can?" I grinned.

"I don't know. I've just heard you're good but...." he trailed off smirking. "I don't really believe it."

"Oh you don't?" I asked standing up. "Hmm, guess I'll just have to show you how it's done."

A song started playing on the movie and I started to do the same dance they were doing. Jason joined in doing the same as the guy on the movie causing us both to laugh til we couldn't continue the dance.

(End of flashbacks)


"Wow those boys seem to not get along more than I thought. Basically you have 2 boys fighting over you."

"Pretty much." I rolled my eyes smiling. "Hopefully it ends soon."

"I agree they seem to glare at each other anytime they're in the same room together." Beckett added.

We all three chuckled but soon we heard an unexpected door shut.

"Oh crap." My eyes shot to Beckett then Payley.

"They didn't text me when they were about to leave like they were suppose to." Beck said as we both stood up about the same time.

I walked over to the door to listen through it and heard paper bags being set down.

"Its definitely them." I whispered.

"Beckett?!? Sophia?!?" Jason yelled

"Go stand in the closet over there. It may not have a door but as long as neither of them go towards you, they won't see you."

I did as he said just in time cause someone walked in right when I hid behind some clothes.

"There you are. Where's Sophia at?" Griffen asked. I could hear a bit of worry in his voice.

"Hmm... She was sitting on the couch watching TV. Did she go upstairs?"

"Not for sure. Let's go check."

~ Beckett's POV~

"I'll take the second floor since it's smaller. You two check the main one." Jason said heading up the stairs before I could protest a random reason for me to not join.

"I'll look in the kitchen you take the hall." Griffen said.

I silently groaned and moseyed my way down the hall. Not to long later Griffen joined in after he searched the living room.

"How long ago was it that she was sitting on the couch?" Griffen mumbled. He seemed to be more stressed out than before. I wonder how bad Jason is doing right now.

~ Jason's POV ~

Where on earth is she?! I thought as I searched in every spot possible. Closets, under beds, bathrooms, behind things. Sophia was no where.

Maybe she passed by us all when we went different ways earlier and went back down stairs!?...

I went down the stairs to the main floor before I headed for the basement.


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Published: December 24th, 2015

P.S. Merry Christmas Eve!🎄🎁🎅🎉

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