Chapter 33

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~ Sophia POV ~

"Two is better than one! Or that's what you always use to tell me"

Looking up from the note I see a reflection standing behind me.....

It's him!

"Ryder?!" I say turning around.

"Hey sis." He said smiling.

I couldnt tell if I was happy to see him or nervous. It'd been so long. And so many years. I felt like if he was still alive he would have forgotten about us.

"Where have you been?!" I asked taking him into a hug.

"Hey I said I'd be back didn't I?" He asked me.

"Actually you said you'd be RIGHT back." I said pulling back from the hug a little bit to look him in the eyes. I felt the anger inside me boiling but there was too much relief of him being alive for me to be mad.

"I'm still here aren't I?" He said grinning. I smiled as my eyes beginning to blur. He hugged me tightly as I lightly sobbed into his chest with happyness.

"How'd you find me?" I asked resting my chin on his chest and looking up at him. Thats when I heard the front door creak open.

"Shhhh... I'll explain later. I'll be back, so don't let anyone know I was here... or that I'm still alive." He whispered kissing my forehead before dissappearing into the kitchen. Just then Jason walked in.

"Are you ...okay?" He asked shutting the door behind him and slowly stepped into the room.

I nodded as I wiped the tears away. "Yeah. I just remembered something from when I was little and got a little emotional about it."

He looked at me like he didn't believe me but he let it go.

"So why are you over here?" He asked crossing his arms leaning against the archway.

"I needed to get away from everyone for a little bit." I said walking towards the stairs behind him.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked stretching his arm out in front of me blocking my path.

"I going to go get some rest. My heads starting to throb from all the confusion." I lied. Really I just wanted to get him out of the house so I could go find Ryder.

"Can I talk to you for a little bit before you do?"

"I dont know Jason. I'm getting really tired."

"Sophia please... what I have to say is extremely important."

I sighed. "Jason..... I'm not really in the mood for having a conversation at the moment.... expecially after what happened this morning."

"That was nothing babe... it was a mistake. I was drunk."

"Yeah I'm sure it was an accident since you probably just tripped and fell in." I said rolling my eyes. His jaw clenched.  "Oh by the way..." I looked down at my wrist as if I were wearing a watch. "I think your 5 o'clock appointment will probably here soon." I whispered adding in a smirk as I walked under his arm towards the stairs.

"Wow... Cold heart again I see.... Just like your missing brother." I stopped in my steps and turned around glaring at him. "I knew your brother before he went missing. He was a dark cold blooded bastard...cause haven't you heard the saying? Father like son."

"Seriously J?! Bringing my missing brother into this is more cold hearted... just like how you went behind my back last night when you seemed to be crazy for me a few nights ago." I yelled. I couldnt take this all anymore. I ran up the stairs and walked into the first room and slammed the door, locked it and threw my body on the bed.

"Sophia open the door." He said in a normal tone. Yet you could hear him holding in a yell.

"Go away J.." I yelled into the pillow.

"Open the door.... NOW!"

I stayed silent hoping he'd give up and walk out of the house.

But he didn't... Next thing I know is the door slams open and Im pulled off the bed and my head hits the floor hard. He pulls me to my feet and slams me against the wall holding me there.

"Why are you being such a b*tch lately?! Do you have some side man wh*re that I don't know about. Is that why you're pushing me away."

"No Jason... I'm tired of you throwing my heart around like its some toy." I spit in his face.

"Really? Toying with your heart." A smirk grew a little on his face. "How?"

"HOW?! Jason you've treated me like your slave and side sl*t since day 1." I said glaring at him.

"Give me evidence Ms. Deputy Daughter!"

"You've been abusing me since day one Jason!!! Your emotions are worse than a girl on her month AND a pregnant woman combined!!!!!!"

"If you wouldnt make me mad I wouldn't be angry with you all the time...Also I'm never abusive. You've gotten maybe 1 or 2 bruises from me... those were from play fights though."

"JASON YOU DO TOO ABUSE ME!!!!!I f*cking hate you for it too! It's all you ever do anymore! Either physical or verbal!"

~ Jason's POV ~
All her words. They hit like knives causing me to black out. No thoughts. No guilt. No stopping. Just black.

I grab her by the arm, throwing her to the ground. Just long enough for me to pull out the my pocket knife. Holding it against her side, looking her dead in the eyes.

"Say it again b*tch." I said holding her down by her neck.

"I.. HATE.. YOU. JASON" She said through clenched teeth as black tears rolled down her face.

The knife slid a crossed her side and the sight of blood was the last thing I seen before I left pain to my head.

~ Sophia's POV ~
I seen a silhouette of someone in the doorway right as I finished my words... right as the pain hit Jason was knocked unconscious by the dark figure.

My side slowly started to bleed and my sight started to grow fuzzy from all the stress.

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Published: October 16, 2016

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