Chapter - 47

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I never knew that alexander would be this upset and sad. I am aware that he don't want me to go but I have to  and he knows it too well and he too has to take over the company.

I still did not inform this huge guy that I'm leaving after five days, its breaking my heart to see him like this, his beautiful ocean blue eyes seems so broken whenever I bring up this topic and I can't even predict how he's going to react when I say this to him.

My thoughts involuntarily go back to the night we had yesterday, blush spreads over my cheeks just by thinking of it. It always seems like the first time.

My parents along with my friends are still resiting in Alexander's place so there's nothing to worry about and am damn sure Katheryn aunty and my mom have become friends and cooking in the kitchen. My friends have met Alexander's friends, unsurprisingly Ryan was the one to start the fun. It just brings smile on my face thinking those.

I'm in love with the view from where am sitting in this bedroom. It's a great and serene view. I come to my feet and walk to the kitchen, I nearly die due to shock when strong arms silently wrap my waist pulling me to hard warm chest.

My breaths halted for few minutes due to this big guy's sudden actions. Damn that startled me.

" Morning love " his husky voice rings in my ear making me tremble.

It took me few minutes to react as I was in other world of him.

" M-Morning" I stutter.

I feel his smirk against my neck, something's coming. He turns me around and holds me tightly as if I would slip away pulling me towards him more than we are, as close as humanly possible. His ocean blue eyes shine as he stares at me with that most beautiful smile playing on his lips.

One single thought kept in playing in my head, the debate my mind and my heart kept on fighting about - should I say that I'm leaving after five days like right now or later. What should I do? He becomes a sad kitten when I say this and I don't like seeing him sad. The longest period we stayed away from each other was the seven torturing months because of the fight but after that, we didn't. Yes, we fought, sometimes even on the silliest things but would patch up back soon. There were fights and love, there were happy laughter and sad painful tears, there were seriousness and fun but after this, there won't be those regularly from after few days, it's not like we aren't gonna meet again it's just the period of suffering along with making our lives better.

I hold back the tears that threaten to form in my eyes as I stare at his shiny eyes, I try to remember every feature of his face, the sensations that occur in my body when I am with him, the thoughts that run in my mind when he stares at me, the feeling of making me feel so precious and beautiful woman in the world just with his stare and that faint smile on his lips, the way my inside gets sets on fire when he wraps his arms around me. I try to bury all these feelings inside me so that I can recall and be able to feel them again when I go away.

I know him too well, also the fact that he is trying to do the same thing as me right now.
He may appear big with a strong body and have the aura of power and domination but there's this little boy inside him who always lives on the other side of the world.

The worst thing of being strong is no one lends their hands to you when you are at your weak points, people don't even notice that you are weak, or maybe sometimes they don't want to.

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