Chapter - 35

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I know this is fucked up and the story is kinda slow I can feel it so yo I will try to pace little fast and its difficult for me as I already have drafts of chaps.

Soon all will be in an awesome place.
And also a surprise for you munchkins ~_~

Anyway I hope ya like it and enjoy!

Happy Reading....



My life has become so interesting all of a sudden, I mean I have to study and in like one and a half months I'm gonna graduate then take over the business but instead, I am here with two holes seated beside be and acting like stalkers in a fancy restaurant.

Ryan and Ethan are bickering bout something while I glued my eyes to the table where brett and his 'arranged' date seated.

This is what brett said his ' life-threatening issue' and discussed it at girls' place. So here we are waiting to drop the bomb as we planned. Red yes I named my girl it and Eva said that they'd be here in a minute here but they aren't. I don't know what they planned and they refused to say anything and informed me to handle everything.

" Dude call the girls! If not our brett will be forever gone to hell" Ryan exclaimed dramatically but he is right brett will definitely go to hell if we delay. That girl looks like a slut and minus one point as she wore revealing her body way more than needed.

Brett is like me doesn't like a woman who shows more body but always hide it. She should reveal only to us like Kusum only to me and that's one of the things I'm proud of.

Brett kept on sending eye- messages to us which looked more like glaring at us.

" Ryan call them"

" Just got a message from Eva that they entered. This is going to be fucking interesting"



It's six thirty-five, I am waiting for long fucking fifteen minutes for these male bitches to get into the plan but no they aren't doing anything. I frequently glare at them. This female in front of me kept on talking out shit and didn't even care if I am listening or not and I already hate her. My parents arranged a motherfucking engagement and I completely hate it. I don't know why my parents always tend to force me in this ridiculous thing when they know I am not interested. I am twenty-eight and I am enjoying my life as fuck but they don't get it, the only thing they are interested in is they want grandchildren. But why?

I right now regret the most by refusing to go on a business trip. Why did I even refused?

I even said this female that I don't want her nor this stupid engagement but she is not getting it in her brain. And I realized that she wants to marry me no matter what I do.

I am waiting for a perfect girl, the girl whom my heart wants but not my parents, the girl who can understand me, the girl who knows when to talk and when not to, the girl who knows I would love her unimaginably.  I am waiting for the right girl and I don't give fly fucks about the world or my age.

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