Chapter 10

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Damian woke up shirtless in the morning with a clear head, he feels different, there's something that has been holding him down inside all this time, but after that dream, there's something lifted off his shoulder, he feels lighter, he feels brand new. He looks around his bedroom to find his curtain opened wide, the sun shines bright into the minimalistic bedroom.

"Damian, turn that down!" Asato suddenly burst into the bedroom with a blue apron on top of his shirt, one of his hand holding a spatula.

Damian look at his omega and frown, "Turn what down?" He asked confused, he doesn't even have any stereo or TV in his apartment.

"It's all over the apartment! Your pheromone!" Asato cover his nose with one hand.

The alpha doesn't even realize he has release that much amount of pheromone. He run his fingers through his messy bed-hair, "I don't know how."

"What?" Asato gasp then he approach the alpha slowly though he himself is weakened by the pheromones surrounding him. "Damian," he called out making the alpha turn his gaze at him, "your eyes, what happen?"

Damian's previous dark brown eyes now glows bright red, it seems the alpha doesn't even realize it. He stand up and walk over to the full body mirror near his closet, he raise his hands up below his eyes, looking back at his reflection.

His blood red eyes looking back at him, he doesn't feel any pain or anything. He still feel light and new just like when he woke up just now, suddenly he heard a thud from behind, the alpha immediately turn around to find Asato just fell down the floor trembling, it looks like he has been trying to approach the alpha but the high-level alpha's pheromone is too intense for him.

"Asa!" Damian quickly run towards the weakened omega and help him sit up.

"Damian, make it stop, please," Asato whispers as he lay his head on top of the alpha's racing heart.

Damian panicked as he pull the omega closer to his chest doesn't know what to do, suddenly he feels the omega's hand on top of his cheek.

"I know you can do it, Damian, fight it," Asato says half whispering.

Just from the loving touch and weak smile from his lover, Damian's eyes dimmed down and its color goes back to the dark brown but still with a mix of tint of redness around the pupil.

For the first time in his life, Damian feels he has been unshackled from whatever binds he's been trapped in, for the first time in his life, he feels free, and it's all thanks to Asato who is always on his side and believe in him.

Asato's trembling body finally calm down and he smiles at Damian. It seems the pheromones has subsided as he pull Damian down into a tight hug.

"Asa, I'm sorry," Damian says collecting Asato's smaller body into a tighter hug, his voice trembled in guilt.

"Let's have breakfast and then we can talk," Asato whisper in the alpha's ear.

The couple sit down the table to eat Asato's homemade pancakes. Not one of them bring up anything about what just happened, the omega just smiles at the alpha when he is trying to bring it up.

"Later, Damian, now let's eat," Asato said.

A beep sound echoes throughout the room meaning someone just put in the door's lock code and enter the room. The couple look up to find a man in tailcoat suit walk in. The man has snow white hair combed up to the back, he is maybe in his forties, the man greet Damian with a bow.

"Good morning young master," he said and look at Asato, the man smile knowingly, "I believe you must be young master's lover," he walk over the omega to shake his hand.

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