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Copper sat in his favourite chair outside, watching his dad on the porch getting his foot re-bandaged by Widow Tweed. Amos was squirming and complaining about the pain.
"Oh Amos Slade. Stop that. You're behaving like a child" chuckled Tweed.
"Well you're hurting hurting my foot, woman" snapped Amos.
"Nonsense, your foot is fine. You'll be back to your old self in no time. But I'm not sure if that's a good thing"
"Hmm... ow. Ow!".

Copper shook his head, and looked at his brother, who was sitting by his side, with his bandaged foot resting on a stall.
"Listen to him. Making such a fuss over a bust up leg" tutted Chief.
Copper rolled his eyes, remembering how much fuss Chief made over his own injuries.
Though he was back home with his family all safe and sound, Copper still wasn't happy.
He didn't know what had happened to Tod, and he didn't know if he would ever see her again.

"Are you sure about this?" Asked Trixie.
Tod nodded. "I'm sure".
"Well then. Here goes nothing".
Trixie handed Tod her walking stick, and the two of them made their way from the parked car, over to Amos's house. Tod stopped before stepping onto his land, remembering all the bad things that had happened there.
She looked at Amos and Chief's bandaged legs, and didn't think that they would be doing any running, like that. Taking a deep breath, she bravely stepped accross.
When Copper looked up and saw Tod coming towards him, he jumped up from his chair and ran towards her. Once he reached her, he lifted her up, and swung her around in the air.

"I thought I'd never see you again" said Copper, placing Tod back on the floor.
"Same here. But I decided I had to come and see you again, despite the risks" Tod replied.
"I'm glad you did"
"Me too".
Copper lent in and kissed Tod gently, as he held her face in his hands.
"Oi. Get a room" shouted Chief.
Tod and Copper pulled apart and smiled.
"What does your family think about us?" Whispered Tod.
"Well, I don't care what they think. But after everything that has happened, I think they've decided to stop hunting coloured people" answered Copper.
"Yeah. The government is starting to change the way they view people of colour. It's a long process, but for now, my family has decided to stop doing it. Because of us".

When Tweed saw her daughter walking down the hill, hand in hand with Copper, she felt a tear roll down her cheek. She got up off the chair, and began to make her way towards her.
They held each other tight, not wanting to ever let go.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I just wanted you to be safe" sobbed Tweed.
"I know mum. And you don't need to worry about me anymore, I'm safe" replied Tod.
"Are you going to come home?"
"If you still want me".
Tweed kissed Tod's forehead. "You will always have a home here".

Tod turned back to Copper and smiled.
"So, your staying?" He quizzed.
"That depends" replied Tod.
"On what?"
"How much you love me".
Copper kissed Tod, more passionetly than ever before.
"I love you more than anything in the world" he admitted.
"Good answer" Tod replied.
"Looks like we're stuck with you then" sighed Amos.
"Yep. Dad. This is Tod. My girlfriend" introduced Copper.
"Nice to meet you Miss" said Amos.
"You too, sir" replied Tod, quietly.

Trixie stood awkwardly at the side, and Tod pulled on her arm, to bring her into the group.
"Mum. This is my friend Trixie. Can she stay?" Tod asked.
Tweed looked at Trixie, who's eyes dropped to the floor uncomfortably.
"Of course dear. Your friend is welcome to stay as long as she pleases" said Tweed kindly.
"Thanks mum"
"You're welcome. Right, I think it's time we get some lunch on"
"I think that's a great idea".

Big Mama, Dinky and Boomer, looked down at the happy group, as they made their way inside Amos's house.
"Well then. I guess that's the end of that" sighed Big Mama.
"I never thought the hunter would put down his gun" admitted Dinky.
"Me neither. He always liked shooting things" added Boomer.
"I guess It proves that even bad people can change their opinions, if they have a good reason.
Now we have one big happy family, and it is just perfect. I'm so glad things worked out the way they did. What a perfect end, to a nit so happy story.
Come on boys, lets get back home. So we too, can eat lunch".

The End.

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