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"Were you always such a badass, or did that happen recently?" Quizzed Copper.
Tod smiled as she ducked a swipe from the bear.
"I've always been a badass, I thought you would've remembered that about me" she replied.
Eventually the bear grew tired of being stabbed, so it turned its attention to the weaker target; Copper.
It turned its back on Tod, and charged a Copper.
Tod screamed. "Copper!".
Luckily Copper rolled out of the way just in time, and the bear missed him. Tod needed to find a way to get its attention, and make it angry.

She ran over to the enterance of the cave, and shouted at the bear.
"Oi. Stupid bear. I'm going in your house" she taunted.
The bear growled and charged at her. This was when Tod's luck started to wear thin.
The claws of the bear were sharp, and they cut into Tod's skin, causing her to yell in anger, more than pain.
She got a firm grip of the knife, and charged at the bear.
Tod jumped onto its back once again, and stabbed the knife through the bears ear. Making it very angry.

It threw her so far, she landed onto the log, over looking the waterfull. She tried to get up, but she had been winded, and the log was slippery.
Tod thought that she had poked the bear with the knife enough times, to let it bleed to death. But she was wrong.
The bear began to follow her onto the log, unbalancing it with it's weight.
Tod tried to run, but she slipped, and managed to cling onto a branch at the last second. She held on tightly, as the log continued to shake, under the weight of thr bear.
Once the bear reached her, it began to raise its huge paw, preparing to swipe her.

"Tod!" Cried Copper.
Tod looked over at her old friend, and smiled bravely.
The bear swiped at her, snapping her branch, and sending both of them tumbling down the waterfull, as Copper screamed.

Despite his pain, Copper pushed himself up, and began to follow the water down, ignoring the cries of his father, coming from the other side of the hill.
When he reached the lake he rushed towards Tod, who lay unmoving by the edge of the water. The bear was nowhere in sight.
Copper dropped to his knees besight Tod, and stroked her hair out of her face.
"No..." he mumbled.
Tod twitched, and tried to push herself up, but failed.
Copper ripped off part of his trouser leg, and tied it around Tod's bleeding arm.
"You are not going to die" he told her.
Tod opened her eyes and stared up at him.
"Just it case I do. Can you do what you promised earlier?" She asked.

After a moment of silence, Copper bent forward and kissed Tod softly on the lips.
"That was my first kiss" admitted Copper.
"Me too. Not exactly how I planned my first kiss. Being on the verge of death, wasn't really how I wanted it to go" replied Tod.
"Didn't you listen to me? You are not dying"
"Even if I don't die now. Your father will never stop hunting me. He won't rest until I'm dead"
"I think he will"
"No. After what happened to your brother, he will never forgive me. Even you wanted me dead"
"Chief isn't dead. He's a stubborn old goat.
And you saved me and my father today. Without you, we'd both be dead".

Tod winced as she tried to move again, the pain in her ribs was overwhelming.
"Where does it hurt?" Asked Copper, looking concerned.
"Everywhere" muttered Tod.
"Why did you decide to come back? I tried to kill you, but still you came to help. You couldv'e let us both die, and moved on with your life"
"I couldn't just let you die"
"Isn't it obvious?... I love you, you fool".

Copper blushed. "Really?".
"Yeah. I know it's stupid. But I don't care. I want you, for now, and forever" replied Tod.
Copper lent forward and kissed her again, this time more passionetly.
They withdrew when they heard forsteps behind them. Copper turned and saw that his father had made it out of the trap, and was now pointing his gun at Tod.

Tod and CopperWhere stories live. Discover now