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Tod stared out of the window in her kitchen, wishing that she could go outside. She looked hopefully at her mother, who was baking pie, but Tweed shook her head.
"Don't give me that look. You caused a lot of trouble yesterday" scolded Tweed.
Tod lowered her eyes, as she couldn't bring herself to look at her mother.
"Aw. It breaks my heart to keep you cooped up like this. But it's the only way to keep you safe" she continued.
Tod sighed and moved away from the window, to sit at the table by her mother.

A few minutes later the sound of barking drew both of their attentions, back to the window.
"What an earth now" muttered Tweed.
The two of them stared out of the window, to look at their neighbours.
Amos, Chief and Copper were packing up their car, while their dogs barked excitedly around their feet.
"It looks like Amos is going on a hunting trip. And a long one at that. Good riddence" said Tweed, turning away from the window.
"A hunting trip?" Questioned Tod curiously.
"Yes. Amos often goes on long trips away, so that he and his son can hunt with their friends. I expect he is going to teach his youngest son to hunt as well.
We probably won't see them for a few years" replied Tweed.
"Amos often goes away for two years at a time, he has another house that he lives in when he's not here. But as he is going to teach his son, he will probably be longer".

Tod looked back out to Copper who was by his brothers side, copying what he did. And Tod felt sad that she might not see her friend again, for several years.
She made her excuses and ran off to her room, on the top floor. Once there, she closed her door, opened the window, and jumped out.
She ran as fast as she could to the land next door, but she didn't make it in time. The car passed her, and she hid behind a tree, so that she couldn't be seen by Amos or Chief.

"And what are you doing over here?" asked a voice from the woods.
Tod turned and saw Big Mama coming towards her.
"Oh hi Big Mama. I just wanted to say goodbye to Copper. But I guess I'm too late" admitted Tod sadly.
"Ah ha. And what were you going to do if you ran into old Chief?"
"Ah Chief, he doesn't scare me, I can outsmart him any day"
"Ah right. Well, I think you need to have a talk with Big Mama".

The pair walked over to Big Mama's caravan, where Dinky and Boomer were debating the best way to tie up shoelaces.
Big Mama collapsed into her favourite rocking chair, and Tod sat by her feet.
"Tod, I hate to tell you this. But if you keep hanging around that boy. You are going to end up dead. Did you think what happened yesterday was a game? That hunter was going to kill you girl" explained Big Mama.
"I know. But Big Mama, I know Copper would never track me down. Copper, is my best friend" replied Tod.
"Oh ho, your best friend, right. Now listen to me Tod. Copper is going to do what he's been told. Suppose he gets told to track you down and kill you? Do you think he would stop, just because you were friends once?"
"You mean Copper is supposed to be my enemy?"
"You'd better believe it Tod".

"No, not my friend Copper, he won't ever change" said Tod defiantly.
"I'm sorry Tod. But Copper is going to come back a trained hunter. A real killer" said Big Mama softly.
"I don't believe that. I know Copper would never hurt me. And we'll always be friends forever. Won't we, Big Mama?"
"I hope you're right Tod sweetheart. But forever is a long time. And time, has a way of changing things".

Tod and CopperWhere stories live. Discover now