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Tod ran as fast as she could, but it was hard to see in the dark, which is why she was so thankfull that the moon was at its fullest. She turned a corner and saw a pile of logs, so she slid underneath, and waited for the the hunters to pass.
When she thought it was safe, she stuck her head out, and found herself face to face with Copper. She backed away, terrified that her friend was going to turn her in.
"Tod. I don't want to see you get killed... I'll let you go this one time" whispered Copper.
Copper ran away, and began to lead his father and the dogs away from Tod's hiding place.

Once they were out of sight, Tod left her hiding place, and began to run the opposite way. Unfortunately, at that moment, Chief had decided to turn around, and he saw her.
The pair began to run though the forest, into a part that Tod didn't recognise.
When she realised that Chief was gaining on her, she turned to her left, and climbed onto the train track. The tracks went over a large pond, which was many feet below.
Tod continued to run, but much more carefully this time, as she didn't want to fall off. Chief was much bigger, so he struggled to walk along the tracks.
As Tod reached the centre, her heart sank. She saw a pair of bright lights heading her way.
A train was coming her way.

She looked down and saw Amos and Copper on the bank, by the pond. Tod knew that even if she survived the jump, the hunter would kill her.
As the train approached, Tod dropped flat on her stomach, clinging on tightly to the tracks.
"Jump Chief!" Yelled Amos, to a frozen Chief.
The train powered over Tod's head, and she kept her fingers crossed, praying that it didn't touch her.
Chief was paralysed by fear. He didn't move, as the train charged towards him.
The train hit him with such force, he was knocked off the tracks, and began to fall down to the water below.

Copper ran into the water after his brother. He reached his side, and found his brother barely breathing
"No. No. This is all my fault. I should never have let Tod go" he muttered.
Copper looked up at the tracks, to stare at Tod, who was looking down on them.
"Tod! I'll get you for this. If it's the last thing I do. You will pay for what you've done" shouted Copper angrily.
Tod shivered and continued running along the train track, trying to find her way home.
When she saw a lantern coming towards her, she tensed at first. But when she saw it was her mother, she ran into her arms.
"Oh Tod" cried Tweed, squeesing her daughter tight.

Once at home, Tweed made Tod a hot bath, and the pair of them sat up by the fire, in their pajamas. Tweed sat in her rocking chair, while Tod sat by her feet, resting her head on her mothers knees.
Tod heard the sound of footsteps, before the knock at the door, and she dived under the table in fear.
Tweed was old, and hadn't heard it.
"Tod. What's the matter?".
A second later someone knocked loudly on the door.
"Widow! I know you're in the there. Open the door" shouted Amos.

Tweed jumped up, and put the extra bolt's on the door.
"That Negro of yours nearly killed Chief. And I'm gonna get her" he continued.
Tweed placed her back against the door, and looked down at Tod, who was shaking under the table.
"You can't keep her locked in there forever".
Widow Tweed closed her eyes and sighed, she knew Amos was right.
Now that he wanted Tod dead, she was no longer safe with her in the cottage. The only way Tod could be safe, was if she was sent away.

Tod and CopperWhere stories live. Discover now